Radiation Burn
RadiationBurn develops unique and original games for a wide variety of home, handheld and mobile games consoles.
Radiation Burn
3y ago
Hi everybody. It’s been a year since I’ve posted on this page. Where have a I been? Well, if you are local, or follow me elsewhere, then you know I’ve been over at SARIL.net posting there instead.
I’ve spent the last year and a half doing a full time job making SARIL (a fancy pants new TTRPG system) all professional looking. I also got roped into training some artists for the university, so I wasn’t doing as much coding as I’d like. And of course, I’ve been running a load of Beta tests for SARIL. Partly because it’s important to iron out any kinks in the design, and partly because I absolutel ..read more
Radiation Burn
3y ago
This wacky space battle thing has vector thrusters, loadsa weapons, and daft ship boarding. It’s a lot of fun, but I don’t have much to say about it yet.
  ..read more
Radiation Burn
3y ago
Dead exit is guaranteed to be the absolute best undead apocalypse base management card game that you’ll ever play.
XboxOneUK.com “Dead Exit is a brilliant entry into the tabletop game genre”
  ..read more
Radiation Burn
3y ago
Note of Sadness. This project is currently shelved. I may remove it from the site at a later date. I should probably also admit at this point that, like Dead Exit’s design, the website setup for this project was in part a social experiment.
The Krucer Parallax is a squad control space combat game. Assemble a squadron of fighters and use tactics and fancy formation flying to win the day ..read more
Radiation Burn
3y ago
Hi everyone. I haven’t made a written blog for aaaages. Actually I haven’t done any sort of blog for ages. In fact, It’s been so long since I’ve been in the front end of my website I forgot my login details. I’ve been up in the back end a few times recently but…Stop it! Get your mind out of the gutter! Also my recent videos have been hidden so you likely haven’t seen those unless you have been rumaging around in my youtube. Still. Now seemed like a good time, Since today I find myself being able to say something I never expected to. I’d keep you in suspense but the title and the picture ..read more
Radiation Burn
3y ago
I did something different for this dev diary. more of a ‘thoughts about’ video than dev anything really. I’m expecting some disagreement on this topic, but bring it on. I think I have a strong case but I’m more than happy to have my mind changed.
Well now that is done. I need to remind you all to do the social media stuff again so you don’t get lost… Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube, because … even pretending to be socially involved is a challenge these days ..read more
Radiation Burn
3y ago
OK. So I forgot to actually put the last blog on my blog. It’s on youtube, but I didn’t put a diary entry here.
And Now for no Update.
Do the social media. Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube, Because ..Interpretive dance ..read more
Radiation Burn
3y ago
I was gone, both physically, and mentally. Now I’m back… Physically at least.
Do the social media. It has something to do with endorphins or dolphins or something. Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube, because … I really just don’t know ..read more
Radiation Burn
3y ago
The infamous box returns for an object lesson in readability.
It won’t be immediately, but the box shall return. We have to cover both boxes inside boxes, and boxes outside of boxes yet. So keep updated on this exclusive saga via out social media. Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube, because I need emotional validation ..read more
Radiation Burn
3y ago
Time for the infamous box to make its first appearance. It was infamous on my todo list because I knew it would be quite complicated to implement. Here’s the video.
If you want to decrease your chances being run over by a bus, spend some time with social media. Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube. This technique will not work if you are using the internet on your phone while walking around town. In fact, it will greatly increase your chances of being squished. You have been warned ..read more