TimelineSalsaCore v2.5 Released (includes Eyes Support)
Crazy Minnow Studio
4y ago
<p>[2021-05-13] TimelineSalsaCore v2.5.0 has been released on the <a href="/unity-3d/lip-sync-salsa/downloads/">downloads portal</a>! This new version includes support for the Eyes module as well as new features for the SALSA and EmoteR modules. See the <a href="/docs/salsa-lip-sync/addons/timeline-salsa/">documentation page</a> for more details and links to video tutorials.</p> <p><strong>NOTE: The previous (legacy) modules for TimelineSalsaCore (SalsaAudio and Emoter) are now deprecated. They will operate normally alongside the new SalsaControl ..read more
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SALSA LipSync Suite v2.5.0 Released!
Crazy Minnow Studio
4y ago
2020-09-11: Version 2.5.0 We have been working on this version for quite some time, but v2.5.0 is now available for general use. This is a big release with a lot of new features, enhancements, and fixes. The Eyes module has been completely re-tooled and no longer requires bone/transform fix scaffolding for misaligned bone axes. Implementing this change required quite a bit of change under the hood and as such broke some Eyes API calls. Please note, if you are implementing this new version into an existing project, the Eyes modules will need to be reconfigured. SALSA and EmoteR do not require r ..read more
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Exporting DAZ Characters for use with SALSA Suite v2
Crazy Minnow Studio
4y ago
Export guide for DAZ 3D characters (i.e. Genesis, Genesis 2, Genesis 3, Genesis 8, Dragon, and Emotiguy character classes). Please see our detailed OneClick documentation for more information.   PLEASE NOTE: These instructions require you to download and install the appropriate 1-Click asset scripts in your Unity project. If you skip this step, you will not find the option for 1-Click in the menu. Documentation for SALSA LipSync Suite v2 -- located here. Warning: Unity has a vertex limit of 65,536 vertices. If you import a model with more vertices than this, Unity will split the mesh ..read more
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SALSA with RandomEyes (v1.x) End-of-Life
Crazy Minnow Studio
5y ago
Out with the Old, In with the New The legacy version of SALSA (SALSA with RandomEyes v1.x) has reached a ripe old age and is ready to prop up its feet on a nice beach somewhere warm. As of the beginning of the year (2020-01-01), the legacy version (SALSA with RandomEyes) will no longer be supported. Updates for this legacy product ended in June, coinciding with the new release (SALSA LipSync Suite) and there will be no further updates, including feature, bug-fix, or Unity-compatibility updates. There will also be no further updates to add-ons for the Legacy product (SALSA with RandomEyes ..read more
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Behavior Designer actions for SALSA LipSync Suite
Crazy Minnow Studio
6y ago
We're very excited to announce our new free Behavior Designer actions for SALSA LipSync Suite. This free add-on exposes essential SALSA LipSync Suite function to the fantastic Behavior Designer system. 06/29/2019 - v2.0.0 - for SALSA LipSync Suite, initial release. Behavior Designer add-on for SALSA LipSync Suite Be sure to install SALSA LipSync Suite and Behavior Designer into your project before importing this addon. This addon includes an example scene that demonstrates our custom actions. The example scene can be found in the following folder:   Crazy Minnow Studio > Examples ..read more
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Dialogue System adds support for SALSA LipSync Suite
Crazy Minnow Studio
6y ago
I'll admit I was a little skeptical at first. I didn't think its approach to lipsync approximation would be comparable to traditional phoneme-based animation. But it does a fantastic job, and it's much easier to add voiceover to your game. If you're considering adding voiceover, or even just eye focus and facial expressions, look into SALSA. -Pixel Crushers Dialogue System adds support for SALSA LipSync Suite in version 2.1.8! Pixel Crushers have built fantastic integration for SALSA LipSync Suite into their upcoming v2.1.8 release of Dialogue System for Unity. Read their blog post about t ..read more
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Adventure Creator actions for SALSA LipSync Suite
Crazy Minnow Studio
6y ago
We're excited to announce our new free Adventure Creator actions for SALSA LipSync Suite. This free add-on exposes essential SALSA LipSync Suite functions to the fantastic Adventure Creator system. We're also pleased to announce a SalsaTextSync integration option using our new Adventure Creator listener for SalsaTextSync add-on. Together, these systems offer automatic lipsync of dialogue audio and dialogue text using Adventure Creators native Dialogue : Play speech Action, and we think that's pretty cool! 06/21/2019 - v2.0.0 - SALSA LipSync Suite, initial release. 06/22/2019 - v2.0.1 - Adde ..read more
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SLATE Cinematic Sequencer ActionClips for SALSA LipSync Suite
Crazy Minnow Studio
6y ago
We're very excited to announce the release of our SALSA ActionClips for SLATE Cinematic sequencer. This free add-on provides essential SALSA LipSync Suite function access to the fantastic cinematic sequencer by Paradox Notion. If you're not familiar with SLATE, check the developers website for more information. 06/22/2019 - v2.0.0 for SALSA LipSync Suite, initial release. Free SLATE Cinematic Sequencer add-on for SALSA LipSync Suite Be sure to install the SALSA LipSync Suite and SLATE Cinamatic Sequencer assets into your project before importing this add-on. All SALSA LipSync Suite Act ..read more
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NodeCanvas actions for SALSA LipSync Suite
Crazy Minnow Studio
6y ago
We're very excited to offer our free SALSA LipSync Suite nodes for NodeCanvas, and we think it's pretty awesome that you can control SALSA lip-sync natively with the [Say] and [Multiple Choice] dialogue Nodes in NodeCanvas's DialogueTree Graph. If you're not familiar with NodeCanvas, it's a superb behavior designer and state machine from ParadoxNotion. In addition to the native support for lip-sync built into NodeCanvas, our add-on provides custom nodes for deep control over emotion expressions using EmoteR, and head, eye, and blink control using the Eyes module. 06/22/2019 - v2.0.0 for SAL ..read more
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Cinema Director actions for SALSA LipSync Suite
Crazy Minnow Studio
6y ago
If you've already purchased SALSA LipSync Suite, we'd like to thank you with this free Cinema Director add-on. If you haven't already purchased SALSA LipSync Suite, we'd like to sweeten the deal with this free Cinema Director add-on.  :-) 06/22/2019 - v2.0.0 for SALSA LipSync Suite 2.0.0, initial release. Free Cinema Director add-on for SALSA with RandomEyes Be sure to install the SALSA LipSync Suite and Cinema Director Assets into your project before importing this addon. This addon includes a simple example scene that demonstrate the included actions. Once installed, the example scene ..read more
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