Academy of Culinary Nutrition Blog
News, inspiration, and healthy recipes from culinary nutrition experts and the Academy of Culinary Nutrition. The Academy of Culinary Nutrition offers nutrition and culinary skills training that will change your health, your business, and your life.
Academy of Culinary Nutrition Blog
1w ago
Broths and stocks are staples in kitchens in many parts of the world because they provide an abundance of flavour and nutrition to a variety of dishes, including soups, stews, one-pot meals, sauces and more. We consider them an essential recipe to master because of their versatility and reliability in cooking. Broths and stocks can...
The post Broths and Stocks: A Culinary Nutrition Guide appeared first on Meghan Telpner ..read more
Academy of Culinary Nutrition Blog
3w ago
It seems to be my current theme these days to make dinner simple. Winter is rarely the time for mighty culinary inspirations when I am desperate to breakaway from the sweet potatoes and squashes. And so in addition to my current obsession with freezer meals and batch prepping and freezing, next in line on a...
The post Ultimate Guide To One Pot Meals appeared first on Meghan Telpner ..read more
Academy of Culinary Nutrition Blog
1M ago
This is the year we are entering and we can choose to enter it thinking of the challenges that engaged us in the past, and likely allow ourselves to marinade in that as we move forward. Or we can shimmy and shake off the cobwebs of last year and focus on the greatness that surrounds...
The post Forget Resolutions, Time To Set Intentions appeared first on Meghan Telpner ..read more
Academy of Culinary Nutrition Blog
2M ago
The holiday season used to be a concentrated period in the last two weeks of December. Now, as soon as we hang up our Halloween costumes the Christmas lights are strung, the holiday shopping begins and the invitations roll in for holiday gatherings. Don’t get me wrong – I love a good celebration as much...
The post 15 Tips and Recipes To Keep You Healthy During The Holidays appeared first on Meghan Telpner ..read more
Academy of Culinary Nutrition Blog
2M ago
We spend one-third of our lives sleeping. You know what this means, right? This means we spend more time between the sheets and laying on our mattress than we do in any single pair of jeans, sweats, sneakers, hoodies, or party dresses. More than we spend lying on the couch, at work or driving in...
The post Natural Bedding and Linens Guide for Truly Sweet Dreams appeared first on Meghan Telpner ..read more
Academy of Culinary Nutrition Blog
2M ago
Do you ever feel kind of tight and contracted, like the littlest thing can cause you to spring up (or lash out) for no real reason at all? Or that you are overreacting to things that should be no big deal, and even as you’re reacting, you know you’re being dramatic about it? Why am...
The post My 9 Best Strategies To Help You Unwind appeared first on Meghan Telpner ..read more
Academy of Culinary Nutrition Blog
3M ago
Several weeks ago, I received a text from a friend asking me if I’d heard of a product called ‘NotMilk’ – and what I thought about it. I’m always happy to share my opinion on packaged foods and as many of you know, I’m not shy about it! And so, I thought it was time...
The post Is Plant-Based Milk Healthy: Oatly, NotMilk, Ripple and More appeared first on Meghan Telpner ..read more
Academy of Culinary Nutrition Blog
3M ago
My son, now four years old, loves drawing people with really long necks, long oval eyes, a dot for a nose, a jagged line for a mouth and sometimes there’s a torso, sometimes the arms and legs come straight from the neck. He puts marker to paper, or chalk to sidewalk and just goes for...
The post Why Are We Afraid To Create? appeared first on Meghan Telpner ..read more
Academy of Culinary Nutrition Blog
4M ago
Like so many other holidays, Halloween is one of those times when it’s easy to throw caution to the wind and stuff our faces with gobs of sugar. On the one hand, who doesn’t love an excuse to dress up like a cat and play with pumpkins? On the other hand, chowing down on ultra-processed, sugar-packed candy...
The post Top 17 Healthy Halloween Treats appeared first on Meghan Telpner ..read more
Academy of Culinary Nutrition Blog
4M ago
Some call it celeriac, I call it celery root (because I’m not that fancy), and no joke this ugly, gnarly root is one of my absolute favourite fall vegetables. Now it’s been said that celery will always be the last vegetable standing on a veggie platter, and it may be true, but please don’t let...
The post Vegan Celery Root Apple Soup appeared first on Meghan Telpner ..read more