Alan Thrall
This channel features informative and educational videos about barbell strength training.
Alan Thrall
1d ago
Strongman/Strength Program: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/products/untamed-strongman-strength-program Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/ Sacramento, CA Untamed Strength Apparel: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/ Follow me on IG @untamedstrength In-person & Online Form Check Service: http://www.trainuntamed.com/one-time-form-check/ Pioneer Discount: PALUNTAMED https://generalleathercraft.com ..read more
Alan Thrall
6d ago
Strongman/Strength Program: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/products/untamed-strongman-strength-program 00:00-01:22 New program 01:23-02:43 Who is this program for? 02:44-06:23 I don't follow a weekly schedule 06:24-07:38 Outline of my 5 training days 07:39-08:53 Squat & Deadlift emphasis 08:54-11:08 What this program is NOT Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/ Sacramento, CA Untamed Strength Apparel: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/ Follow me on IG @untamedstrength In-person & Online Form Check Service: http://www.trainuntamed.com/one-time-form-check/ Pioneer Disco ..read more
Alan Thrall
1w ago
Strongman/Strength Program: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/products/untamed-strongman-strength-program In this video I explain why full body workouts are best! 00:00-02:43 Program and Breakfast 02:44-03:43 Reduces training FOMO 03:44-04:17 Better skill acquisition 04:18-05:27 Easy to schedule 05:28- 06:16 Better for performance & recovery 06:17-07:46 More specific to sport Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/ Sacramento, CA Untamed Strength Apparel: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/ Follow me on IG @untamedstrength In-person & Online Form Check Service: http://www.t ..read more
Alan Thrall
3w ago
This is the 3rd training VLOG in preparation for California's Strongest Man 2025. In this video I do strongman event training at home, test out some new equipment at Untamed Strength gym, and make some delicious breakfast. Day 5 -forward & lateral jumps -pull ups in my rafters s/s dips -rock extensions -rock curls Day 1 -single leg jumps -clean complex -anderson front squat off blocks -neutral grip pin press -tank/sled pushes Day 2 -plyo push ups -banded push press -V slide deadlifts -diagonal pulldowns -curls Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/ Sacramento, CA Untamed Streng ..read more
Alan Thrall
1M ago
This is the 2nd training vlog in preparation for California's strongest man 2025. The events for this competition are axle clean & press, keg toss, yoke + sandbag carry, truck pull, and atlas stones. Day 3 - hurdle jumps, squats, hammer strength chest press, chest supported DB rows, overhead tricep extensions Day 4 - sandbag toss, axle cleans, front raises, rear delt raises, yoke & sandbag carry Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/ Sacramento, CA Untamed Strength Apparel: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/ Follow me on IG @untamedstrength In-person & Online Form Chec ..read more
Alan Thrall
1M ago
I am preparing for California's Strongest Man 2025. This is the first of many training vlogs leading up to the competition - Week 1, Days 1 & 2 - jumps, cleans, front squats, sled pushes, 1 arm DB snatches, push press, hammer strength romanian deadlifts, smith machine pendlay rows, incline curls, and running intervals. Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/ Sacramento, CA Untamed Strength Apparel: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/ Follow me on IG @untamedstrength In-person & Online Form Check Service: http://www.trainuntamed.com/one-time-form-check/ Pioneer Discount: PALU ..read more
Alan Thrall
1M ago
Check out Jeremiah's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@UCwodppPlKEnjAmUqFimRpJQ Follow Jeremiah on IG @jeremiah.cake Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/ Sacramento, CA Untamed Strength Apparel: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/ Follow me on IG @untamedstrength In-person & Online Form Check Service: http://www.trainuntamed.com/one-time-form-check/ Pioneer Discount: PALUNTAMED https://generalleathercraft.com/ Strongman Template: https://www.barbellmedicine.com/shop/training-templates/strongman-template/ FREE Strongman Template:https://www.barbellmedicine.com/fre ..read more
Alan Thrall
1M ago
In this video I cover my shoulder complex that I like to perform with Kettlebells. I perform 4-8 reps per arm on each level - alternating shoulder press, alternating shoulder press with off-hand up, one arm overhead squat, alternating sots press, and double sots press. Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/ Sacramento, CA Untamed Strength Apparel: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/ Follow me on IG @untamedstrength In-person & Online Form Check Service: http://www.trainuntamed.com/one-time-form-check/ Pioneer Discount: PALUNTAMED https://generalleathercraft.com/ Strongman Templ ..read more
Alan Thrall
2M ago
Strongman Workshop: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/strongman-workshop-tickets-1082680158499?aff=oddtdtcreator The axle bar can help reduce hand and wrist pain when bench pressing due to the larger surface area and the ideal wrist position required to hold the bar. The larger surface area of the axle bar also makes the press feel more stable in my opinion. Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/ Sacramento, CA Untamed Strength Apparel: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/ Follow me on IG @untamedstrength In-person & Online Form Check Service: http://www.trainuntamed.com/one-time-for ..read more
Alan Thrall
2M ago
BLACK FRIDAY 25% OFF Untamed Strength Apparel: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/ In this video I complete my 1 hour bodyweight only calisthenics workout at a free outdoor gym. 10 minutes each, as many reps as possible: Burpees Push-ups or dips Pull-ups or inverted rows Ring curls Ring extensions Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/ Sacramento, CA Follow me on IG @untamedstrength In-person & Online Form Check Service: http://www.trainuntamed.com/one-time-form-check/ Pioneer Discount: PALUNTAMED https://generalleathercraft.com/ Strongman Template: https://www.barbellmedicine ..read more