All Clear and Back At It!
Coach's Killer Blog
by Nicholle Stoller
2M ago
I just realized that I never wrote an update following my post-op visit with my surgeon last month! To Recap In May I had surgery on my hip to repair a torn labrum as well fix an impingement issue and debride a bone cyst (no arthritis! yay!). I also had scar tissue on my joint more
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Checking in 5 months post-op – 24 weeks
Coach's Killer Blog
by Nicholle Stoller
3M ago
It’s been a few weeks since I have posted an update and I passed the 5 months post-op mark! I’ve been pretty busy and a lot of things are coming up, so here is what has been happening! I’m back with my original physical therapist since she has returned from maternity leave, and she has more
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The Good Kind of Sore – 19 weeks post-op
Coach's Killer Blog
by Nicholle Stoller
4M ago
Saturday/Sunday I taught my usual class on Saturday morning, finishing out the week of half guard top position by working some over/under pass variations and concepts. Then I rolled a couple of rounds at open mat. I could definitely feel the progress I have made over the last nearly two weeks of letting myself rest more
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Passing the 4 Month Mark
Coach's Killer Blog
by Nicholle Stoller
5M ago
This week I passed the 4 month post op mark officially (on Tuesday the 17th)! For a re-cap: I had an arthroscopic hip surgery to repair an anterior labrum tear (4 suture type anchors) and correct a small cam impingement on my femur that also included a bone cyst that reached into my bone marrow more
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Rougher Week – 17 weeks post op
Coach's Killer Blog
by Nicholle Stoller
5M ago
Saturday/Sunday Saturday I taught my usual class in the morning and then rolled lightly with a few of my trusted team mates for about an hour. I declined a couple rounds with people, but I explained that I’m only rolling with people who I rolled with before surgery and whose movement patterns I know well more
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Post-Op Visit – 16 weeks post op
Coach's Killer Blog
by Nicholle Stoller
5M ago
Holiday Weekend I was an absolute slug all weekend since it was a holiday on Monday in the states and my office was closed. I taught a great ladies class Saturday morning where we worked on side control escapes and then I stayed around for the open mat. I got a few rounds in with more
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Keep on Rolling – 15 weeks post op
Coach's Killer Blog
by Nicholle Stoller
5M ago
Saturday/Sunday Saturday was fairly chill – I just went in to teach a morning class. I ended up with one student, so it turned into a private lesson on lasso guard techniques. Afterwards was open mat and I opted to just do a good hour-long mobility/stretching session since my week had been pretty high impact more
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Adding In Sparring – 14 weeks post op
Coach's Killer Blog
by Nicholle Stoller
6M ago
It was another busy week and I just reached 14 weeks post op for my FAI/Labrum repair on my right hip. I have really focused on slow steady progress and the patience is really starting to pay off at this stage of my recovery. The fact that I went into surgery in peak physical condition more
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Hip Surgery – 13 weeks post-op
Coach's Killer Blog
by Nicholle Stoller
6M ago
I was worried at the beginning of the week that I might have overdone it for the first time. At the seminar on Saturday – the day after my 12-week mark – I was the seminar guest instructor’s demo partner for techniques. Since it was all guard retention work, and my right/surgical leg is my more
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Hip Surgery Recovery – 12 Weeks Post Op
Coach's Killer Blog
by Nicholle Stoller
6M ago
I am now 12 weeks post op from my arthroscopic surgery for hip femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and torn labrum repair. I had 4 suture type anchors used to repair my labrum, an impingement on my femur corrected as well as a cyst debrided. I have something called “coxa profunda” in both my hips meaning they more
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