Celebrate the incredible egg on October 8!
Egg Safety Center Blog
by admin
3y ago
This year’s World Egg Day is October 8 and marks the 25th anniversary of the event. The 2021 celebration enters around the brilliant versatility of the egg. With a  broad range of nutrients, eggs are a healthy, nutritious and affordable part of the diet for people at all stages of life, including growing teenagers, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, and infants, particularly those in nutritionally vulnerable areas. Nourishing human potential The bioavailability and density of their nutrients mean eggs can directly improve human health outcomes around the world ..read more
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Six things to know about the inside of an egg
Egg Safety Center Blog
by admin
4y ago
Variation in the color and appearance of the inside of an egg can be due to many factors: A red spot near the yolk indicates a blood or meat spot. This is caused by the rupture of a small blood vessel around the yolk at the time of ovulation, or the presence of tissue during egg formation. These eggs are perfectly safe to eat with proper cooking. A cloudy egg white indicates the egg is exceptionally fresh. The cloudiness is due to the presence of naturally occurring levels of carbon dioxide when an egg is laid. Lighter or darker yellow yolks are influenced by pigments in feed in the hen’s diet ..read more
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Get an Egg Safety Re-FRESH-er this National Food Safety Education Month
Egg Safety Center Blog
by admin
4y ago
There’s no better time to brush up on proper egg safety than during Food Safety Education Month, which is recognized each September. According to foodsafety.gov, there are about 48 million cases of foodborne illness reported annually, which means that roughly 1 in 6 Americans experience food poisoning each year. Keep these egg-dos and egg-don’ts in mind when handling eggs in the kitchen to protect yourself and your family from getting a foodborne illness. Egg-Do: Refrigerate your eggs. Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator at 45°F or below and should never be left out for more than two hou ..read more
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Fresh eggs belong in the refrigerator
Egg Safety Center Blog
by admin
5y ago
Eggs are not only a versatile and nutritious form of protein, they also remain fresh four to five weeks beyond the packing date. See “eggs-pert” storage tips below: Refrigeration is key. Eggs belong in the refrigerator at 45 degrees F or below until ready for use. Put your eggs in the refrigerator as soon as you get home from the store. Unpack grocery or meal kit deliveries upon arrival and refrigerate eggs and other perishables immediately. Keep eggs in the coldest part of the refrigerator on an interior shelf, which maintains temperature better than the refrigerator door. Keep eggs in the o ..read more
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Only the Best for Mom
Egg Safety Center Blog
by admin
5y ago
Families across the U.S. are preparing to honor mothers, grandmothers, and special women on Mother’s Day.  Whether you are planning breakfast in bed, a sumptuous brunch,  outdoor lunch, or sensational dessert, eggs are sure to be on the menu. Here are some recommendations to keep Mother’s Day safe and special: As you plan Mom’s favorite menu Buy large eggs, which are generally the standard in recipes. If a recipe calls for eggs at room temperature, remove them from the refrigerator 30 minutes in advance. Raw eggs should not be kept out of the refrigerator for more than two hours. Sa ..read more
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Fresh eggs belong in the refrigerator
Egg Safety Center Blog
by admin
5y ago
Eggs are not only a versatile and nutritious form of protein, they also remain fresh four to five weeks beyond the packing date. See “eggs-pert” storage tips below: Refrigeration is key. Store your eggs in the refrigerator at 45 degrees F or below. Put your eggs in the refrigerator as soon as you get home from the store. Unpack grocery or meal kit deliveries upon arrival and refrigerate eggs and other perishables immediately. Keep eggs in the coldest part of the refrigerator on an interior shelf, which maintains temperature better than the refrigerator door. Keep eggs in the original carton s ..read more
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Fact Sheet – Types of Eggs
Egg Safety Center Blog
by admin
5y ago
The egg is a versatile food with many options available for today’s consumers. Shell eggs are the raw eggs that are available in retail stores. Grade of eggs,  AA, A, or B, is determined by the interior quality of the egg and appearance/condition of the shell. Eggs can be brown or white eggs. Egg sizes are jumbo, large, medium, and small. Egg types include conventional, cage-free, free-range, organic, and enriched. Raw shell eggs sold in grocery stores, or to the foodservice industry, are carefully washed and sanitized before being graded, packaged, refrigerated, and transported to stores. Gr ..read more
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Meet UEP’s Food Safety Expert, Oscar Garrison
Egg Safety Center Blog
by uep_admin
5y ago
Egg safety is a top priority for egg farmers from the farm to your plate. To ensure safety practices, United Egg Producers sponsors the Egg Safety Center, the leading resource for egg safety on the farm, in the store and your kitchen.  Who is the source of all this eggcellent information? Oscar Garrison is a food safety expert and UEP’s senior vice-president of food safety and regulatory affairs. He oversees EggSafety.org, ensuring all content, videos, blogs and FAQ answers are up-to-date and accurate.   Oscar Garrison (left) at the 2019 Food Safety SummitGarrison, along with UEP’s Food Safety ..read more
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Keeping Hens Safe, Warm and Healthy in Harsh Weather
Egg Safety Center Blog
by admin
5y ago
Amid blizzards, thunderstorms and other extreme weather, how do farmers keep their animals safe, warm and healthy? Safety authorities advise staying us to stay out of harsh weather by staying indoors as much as possible. That’s good advice for animals and is one of the many reasons that egg-laying hens are kept indoors. Years ago, chickens were raised with access to an outdoor environment. But egg farmers learned over the years and through experience that climate-controlled barns provide warmth and comfort and improve overall flock health while protecting hens from the spread of disease. The t ..read more
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‘Eggsellent’ Health Benefits is Theme of World Egg Day
Egg Safety Center Blog
by uep_admin
5y ago
  World Egg Day is October 11 and this year the global campaign focuses on five key benefits of eggs. Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet and a fantastic source of protein A single egg contains 14 essential nutrients including vitamins A, B, D and E, as well as being a source of calcium, selenium and iodine. Along with six grams of protein, eggs are one of the most nutritious foods available globally. Eggs contain choline which aids healthy brain development This little-known nutrient plays an important role in building cell membranes, impacting a number of vital functions ..read more
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