I Hate You Milk Blog
Lactose intolerance and diet blog. Where and how to eat to avoid dairy and lactose.
I Hate You Milk Blog
4y ago
I was lucky enough to get an opportunity to try Lacto Freedom Probiotic which claims to give long term relief from lactose intolerance.
So lets break this down Does Lacto Freedom Work?
For me – yes. It started working after around 2 weeks and lasted for around 3 months.
How does it work?
Lacto Freedom has probiotic cultures which survive into the gut and stay alive. These cultures then stay there and thrive for a few months (or longer) and digest the lactose in food for you. Basically producing the lactase you can’t produce yourself. The name of this stain is L. acidophilus.
Is this a cure fo ..read more
I Hate You Milk Blog
4y ago
I was lucky enough to be sent a tassimo machine to review. I’ve written about lactose free coffee machine pods in the past and I previously owned a Lavazza coffee machine which got pretty regular use.
So first of all, my previous Lavazza machine only made Espresso’s which made it easy to ensure everything was dairy free, but it did mean you had to craft all the drinks yourself.
One of the benefits of the Tassimo machine is that it can do different sizes drinks (Espressos, Americanos, Capuchinos) but it can also do Tea and Hot Chocolate. The machine I was sent which is the T40 has a ..read more
I Hate You Milk
4y ago
Skittles are awesome, but are they dairy and lactose free? They come in tons of flavours but they are basically all the same ingredients.
Are skittles lactose and dairy free? Do skittles have lactose or dairy?
Yes – skittles are dairy and lactose free. No Skittles do not contain lactose or dairy. Skittles are mainly sugar and corn syrup so you should be fine.
The post Are skittles lactose and dairy free? appeared first on I Hate You Milk ..read more
I Hate You Milk Blog
4y ago
Looking aside from the legality of the issue, and the mystery of what comes in illegal drugs, if you’re lactose intolerant is this another worry and a reason not to do drugs.
Does cocaine have lactose in?
Cocaine itself does not have lactose but it is commonly cut with lactose. Lactose is a white sweet powder (sguar) and tends to be cut with drugs like cocaine, mdma and other pills. Drugs are very rarely pure and are cut with other things to bulk them out and increase profits, lactose doesn’t react with anything so its a common choice. So is there lactose in cocaine? Potentially yes there can ..read more
I Hate You Milk Blog
4y ago
Peeps! Basically easter in a delicious little yellow bundle (or pink!) When something is fluffy and sweet it can be hard to tell if thres lactose or dairy hidden in there. Lets find out if they do or not
Are peeps lactose and dairy free? Do Peeps contain lactose?
Yes – Peeps are dairy free. No peeps do not contain lactose. However they are not vegan because they contain gelatin. The ingredients of peeps are: Sugar, gelatin, wax and some other bits.
Are peeps vegan?
No – peeps contain gelatin and are not vegan.
Now go microwave them or stick them in a hot chocolate or whatever you do wi ..read more
I Hate You Milk Blog
4y ago
Sweet delicious pretzels! Whether you’re eating bite size pretzels or a giant pretzel at the ball game, are these going to mess you up if you’re lactose intolerant or avoiding dairy? Most places don’t list ingredients so lets find out!
Are pretzels lactose and dairy free? Do they contain dairy?
Yes – pretzels are dairy and lactose free. No pretzels do not contain lactose and dairy. The traditional ingredients typically have sugar, yeast, salt and flour. Some places will add butter, or offer butter as a topping. Its worth checking the ingredients, but you should be fine most of the time. Place ..read more
I Hate You Milk Blog
4y ago
Marshmallows. They improve everything. Yams, Sweet potatoes, hot chocolate, smoores! Fluffy and delicious. But are they ok if you’re avoiding lactose and dairy or even if you’re vegan. Lets take a look today
Do marshmallows have lactose or dairy
No. Marshmallows are dairy and lactose free. They are mainly sugar and gelatin which are both lactose and dairy friendly. If you’re having it with hot chocolate or coffee you’ll obviously have to make sure you pick a lactose or dairy free milk
Are marshmallows vegan?
No. Marshmallows contain gelatin which is made from animal bones, so they are not veg ..read more
I Hate You Milk Blog
4y ago
Everyone loves oreos, but can you e eat them if you’re unable to eat dairy? Oreos are a cultural phenomemon whether you dunk them or twist them everyone loves them. But are they dairy free vegan friendly and lactose free?
Do Oreos have lactose or dairy?
No. Oreos are both dairy and lactose free. I have checked a lot of the other special flavours too and the majority seem dairy free too. However, make sure you check with any new flavour you haven’t tried before.
Are oreos suitable for vegans?
Yes Oreos are vegan friendly
Who knew! Let us know what your favourite flavour is below and how you li ..read more
I Hate You Milk
4y ago
A true summer time question. Or a question for anyone staring at the dessert menu in a restaurant. The one pudding we can have other than fruit!
Are sorbets dairy and lactose free?
Yes, Sorbets are dairy free. Sorbets do not contain any dairy or lactose. They are made from water, sugar, fruit juice, puree or flavouring. Sometimes they contain honey though. They are also really easy to make on your own too if you fancy. You can get all kinds of flavours but mango and lemon seem to be the most common. Gelato does contain lactose, milk and dairy though (And can often have eggs).
The post Are sor ..read more
I Hate You Milk
4y ago
Another popular question. From sandwiches to breakfast, we all need to know the answer to this question.
Does bread have milk or lactose in it?
No bread should not have milk in it. Where you need to be careful is that places will sometimes brush the tins with butter or brush the top with milk. You may be able to tolerate a little. Always ask whenever possible. Always check the ingredients on packets too. Hovis, wonderbread, bimbo and warburtons, asda, tesco, marks and spencers breads don’t have milk or lactose that I’ve seen. I have seen american brands with milk in them though but it se ..read more