My Dry Eye Blog
Our mission at My Dry Eye is to offer all dry eye sufferers relief from their symptoms by treating the root cause of their discomfort. Get expert information about dry eye disease, diagnosis, and treatment. Connecting patients with doctors that can help. Dry eye relief is here!
My Dry Eye Blog
1y ago
The post How to Apply Eye Ointment for Dry Eye first appeared on My Dry Eye.
It was written by Dr. Diana Nguyen
Please visit My Dry Eye to view original post
What Is Eye Ointment for Dry Eye?
Eye ointment is a semi-solid, oil substance that can be used to treat dry eyes. It is a thicker form of eye drops that many patients use to relieve dry eye symptoms. Similar to eye drops, dry eye ointments can support your natural tears by providing temporary moisture. They can help soothe dry, irritated eyes. It’s important to note that ointments may blur your vision, which can make them ideal for nightt ..read more
My Dry Eye Blog
1y ago
The post What is a Dry Eye Flare-Up? first appeared on My Dry Eye.
It was written by Dr. Diana Nguyen
Please visit My Dry Eye to view original post
Dry eyes is a complex disease that can be extremely debilitating to the chronic sufferer. This disease is caused by an imbalance in the tears, inflammation and/or nerve abnormalities. Due to the nature of its complexity, the treatment requires a multi-modal approach which includes management at home and in the office.
Even with successful treatment and reduced symptoms, you may still suffer a dry eye flare-up from time to time. These flare-up ..read more
My Dry Eye Blog
1y ago
The post Why Does It Feel like Something Is in My Eye? first appeared on My Dry Eye.
It was written by Dr. Diana Nguyen
Please visit My Dry Eye to view original post
A sensation that something is in your eye can be irritating, but why does it occur? You may experience an uncomfortable sensation, like a scratch. It may feel like something is stuck in your eye, but everytime you look in the mirror, there’s nothing there!
This sensation can be frustrating, but it is also common. The feeling of something in your eye is often caused by dry eye or a foreign body.
Let’s look at how you can disti ..read more
My Dry Eye Blog
1y ago
The post Can’t See at Night While Driving? Is Dry Eye the Cause? first appeared on My Dry Eye.
It was written by Dr. Diana Nguyen
Please visit My Dry Eye to view original post
If you often feel a burning, gritty, or stinging sensation in your eyes, you may be dealing with dry eye. This is a common condition that affects many Canadians every year, and feels like irritation or dryness in your eye.
With a wide range of causes and effects, it can make your day-to-day life much harder—and this is even more true if you’re doing a focused task like driving. Dry eye can cause many different visi ..read more
My Dry Eye Blog
2y ago
The post Can Dry Eye Cause Blurriness? first appeared on My Dry Eye.
It was written by Dr. Diana Nguyen
Please visit My Dry Eye to view original post
If you experience bouts of blurry vision, it does not necessarily mean your prescription has changed. Having blurred vision may be a sign that you are experiencing dry eyes.
Dry eye disease is a very common eye condition that can cause uncomfortable symptoms, including blurriness. An estimated 25% of Canadians suffer from the condition, so if you are experiencing dry eye symptoms, you are not alone.
In addition to blurred vision, dry ..read more
My Dry Eye Blog
2y ago
The post Eyelid Cleansers and Wipes for Blepharitis first appeared on My Dry Eye.
It was written by Dr. Diana Nguyen
Please visit My Dry Eye to view original post
Many dry eye sufferers have unhealthy eyelids that contain bacteria, debris, and dead skin cells. This eyelid condition is called blepharitis. The build-up of the bacteria and debris is similar to build-up of plaque on the teeth. If it accumulates, the bacteria can lead to increased risks of infections (styes), itchiness and inflamed eyelids (chalazion).
Thorough cleaning of the eyelids will lead to optimal eyegiene (eyel ..read more
My Dry Eye Blog
2y ago
The post Can Dry Eyes From Allergies Be Treated? first appeared on My Dry Eye.
It was written by Dr. Diana Nguyen
Please visit My Dry Eye to view original post
Spring brings along warmer temperatures and lighter jackets, but it can be a dreadful season for those with allergies. For many, it’s difficult to distinguish between allergies and dry eyes since the symptoms are similar. Additionally, a handful of patients may be experiencing both allergies and dry eyes. In today’s blog, we will go over the difference between allergies and dry eyes and how to treat them if you have both conditions.&nbs ..read more
My Dry Eye Blog
2y ago
The post Home Remedies for Dry Eyes first appeared on My Dry Eye.
It was written by Dr. 4ecps
Please visit My Dry Eye to view original post
Do you suffer from dry eyes? It can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, not to mention itchy and irritating. While seeing your optometrist can help provide relief, there are ways you can also get daily relief yourself. Look no further if you’re looking for home remedies to help relieve your dry eyes.
Some of the common home remedies for dry eyes include warm compresses, good eye hygiene, blinking, omega-3 fatty acids, hydration, wraparound sunglasses ..read more
My Dry Eye Blog
2y ago
The post Will Blinking More Help Dry Eyes? first appeared on My Dry Eye.
It was written by Dr. 4ecps
Please visit My Dry Eye to view original post
Finding relief from dry eyes can seem like an overwhelming fear, especially when there is such a wide range of treatment options available. Blinking more can help dry eyes in some situations.
Blinking is our body’s natural way of keeping our eyes lubricated. Not blinking frequently enough can cause you to experience the symptoms of dry eye disease.
It is important to remember that there is a wide range of environmental and health factors that ..read more
My Dry Eye Blog
2y ago
The post Fix Eye Alignment for Dry Eye Relief first appeared on My Dry Eye.
It was written by Dr. Diana Nguyen
Please visit My Dry Eye to view original post
Dry eyes, eye fatigue and eye strain are common complaints in the office. These symptoms may be paired with periods of computer discomfort, neck pain and headaches that worsen as the day progresses. Patients that have been unsuccessfully treated for dry eye to relieve symptoms may seek for other treatments such as physiotherapy or rest.
Proprioceptive conflict caused by binocular vision issues could be the reason behind many of these patie ..read more