Men's Health Forum
The Men's Health Forum is a British registered charity whose mission is to improve the health of men and boys in England, Wales and Scotland. Get the Latest news from the Men's Health Forum.
Men's Health Forum
2y ago
There’s no silver bullet for detecting prostate cancer but a new risk-based approach could be the way forward. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in UK males. Every day, about 140 men are told they have it. Every year, about 12,000 men die. These a ..read more
Men's Health Forum
3y ago
Information for men on Covid-19 (last updated 5 April 2022) What is Covid-19? It is a type of coronavirus that was first detected in China at the end of 2019. Some coronaviruses are mild; some like SARS in 2002 are more serious. This is one of the more da ..read more
Men's Health Forum
3y ago
Accident and Emergency (A&E) Departments are for emergencies. But what's an emergency? Would you call out roadside recovery if you ran out of petrol? Of course not. It would take ages and wouldn't solve the problem anyway. Yet every day hund ..read more
Men's Health Forum
3y ago
The CAN DO Challenge is a great way to boost your mental wellbeing by doing all the five ways to wellbeing. The five ways to wellbeing are five things we can all do that are scientifically-proven to help us feel better. The CAN DO Challenge invites you to ..read more
Men's Health Forum
3y ago
Steve Baxter talks about living with depression. I was diagnosed with depression ten years ago – but I had been struggling with it since childhood. I felt there was something inadequate about me – that everyone else was able to cope and it was just me wh ..read more
Men's Health Forum
4y ago
The basics of the skin condition psoriasis and its impact on men's daily lives by Nyaka Mwanza. Psoriasis and its effects on daily life are unique to each individual. The severity, presentation, treatment response, and progression of one person’s pso ..read more
Men's Health Forum
4y ago
Volunteering is good for mental wellbeing. Stay safe. Non-health professionals: Local volunteer scheme Health professionals: NHS Covid-19 vaccine team Your Health Out of scope ..read more
Men's Health Forum
4y ago
The NHS is still here for you. If you want to stay safe, tell a GP about your symptoms. The NHS is still there for you - it's not just about Covid-19. Research suggests that Covid-19 is changing the way we are accessing NHS services. A recent survey ..read more
Men's Health Forum
4y ago
Are you overweight? There's a very easy way to check. Get a tape measure. Being overweight increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some types of cancer. Next year in England and Wales alone around 50,000 deaths will be down to exce ..read more
Men's Health Forum
4y ago
Some questions to ask yourself. How are you? That question is difficult to answer accurately. We all say ‘fine’ if someone asks. The fourteen questions here are widely used to help health professionals go a bit deeper than this. You can use them to help ..read more