RPGGeek Blog
RPGGeek is a robust community message board centered around a comprehensive database of RPG systems, products, periodicals, and other media. It strives to be the premiere database and forum for all tabletop RPG enthusiasts. This includes News, Reviews, Sessions and Play-by-Forum along with the world's friendliest community.
RPGGeek Blog
47m ago
by gonecase
An item RPG Item: The Witch is Dead has been added to the geeklist 2025 RPG Character Creation Challenge ..read more
RPGGeek Blog
47m ago
by Benevolentgamemaster
Sometimes we have scenario's centered around a holiday or festival, but usually this gets handwaved ..read more
RPGGeek Blog
47m ago
by Benevolentgamemaster
Usually they become patrons or NPC specialists ..read more
RPGGeek Blog
47m ago
by Flyboy Connor
My experience is that players are very active in the first few weeks, and after that play slows down somewhat.
One problem of CoC is exactly that there is little combat. Things is, with combat you demand from players to tell you what they are doing. Outside combat, usually some players are far more active than others. It's a bit of juggling. However, I have never had a NPI game die when I was the GM. You can keep players on board if you yourself invest the time. Just dopn't wait for players who are not very active, just move the game forward ..read more
RPGGeek Blog
48m ago
by gonecase
gonecase previously rolled 1d111 = 10 ( ) Lynchian moments ..read more
RPGGeek Blog
48m ago
by ScoopArt
That's great advice. Luckily for me, Call of Cthulhu isn't that much about combat, and the rules for it are a bit loose. I've never used tactical maps for it, just letting players narrate what they wish to do and having them roll appropriate skills. Usually combat is quickly over, because firearms and eldritch monsters tend to devastate their targets, if they're human, that is. As a result, players playing human characters tend to flee; the same goes for human NPCs facing a difficult foe.
I think this can help the game run a bit quicker than, say, a DnD 5e adventure, where combat ..read more