In & Out...just breathe
Home Sweet Homebirth Blog
by Anne Margolis
1w ago
Mountain. Half Moon. Pigeon. Dancer. These are the English words for some well-known “asanas” (or poses) which make up the body’s yoga vocabulary. Most people – especially the uninitiated – equate the practice of yoga with physical exercise. But movement is only the beginning. Any authentic yogi will tell you that yoga is not just about holding postures and moving our bodies. A huge component of yoga teaches us to breathe and move consciously with awareness. This delivers well-documented and numerous benefits that can be accessed anytime in order to achieve a sense of calm and well-being more
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Welcome to the Club - Postpartum
Home Sweet Homebirth Blog
by Anne Margolis
1M ago
I remember sitting at my kitchen table while holding my newborn daughter, staring bleary-eyed at the glass of water Rollie placed before me. Rollie was an angel sent from heaven. Her wings may not have been visible, but I know for a fact they were there. Rollie was my postpartum doula, and my husband and I don’t know how we would have survived those early days without her. When she observed on our first day together just how sleep-deprived and hormonal and besotted and bewildered I was, she asked, “how can we better prepare new mothers for this more
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Do I Really Need to Do(ula) This? Part 2
Home Sweet Homebirth Blog
by Anne Margolis
2M ago
As promised, we are back with Part 2 of our doula blog. We pick up from where we left off a few weeks ago when the leaves were not quite as crunchy… In Part 1, I featured the work of the Labor Support Doula, and what she can offer during pregnancy and birth. Before anyone calls me out for being sexist, let’s acknowledge that there are currently a few men who are trained doulas around the world (and, fun fact for any Gleeks out there: Matthew Morrison’s father was a midwife!) However, since women tend to be the overwhelming majority working in these areas, I will, going forward, refer to doulas more
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Do I Really Need to Do(ula) This?
Home Sweet Homebirth Blog
by Anne Margolis
3M ago
Let’s have a little doula chat, shall we? You’re pregnant, and as a result, you’ve acquired a whole new vocabulary: baby-wearing, layette, milk-duct, meconium, hybrid-diapers, effacement, linea alba – the list goes on.  One word that will become ever-present on your prenatal planet will be this one: “doula”. You’ll hear it from friends, on social media, in your childbirth class, maybe even from your local grocery store check-out staffer. So, because you have an inquiring mind of the prenatal kind (where you HAVE to know everything, but then forget it five minutes later), you are going to more
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Childbirth Classes - What's the Scoop?
Home Sweet Homebirth Blog
by Anne Margolis
4M ago
If you have found your way to this blog, then you are clearly interested in learning about childbirth education. And there is a lot to learn about the learning, so to speak! Please allow me to break down a few burning questions you may have, like why taking a class is so, so, so important, as well as which ones are worth your while more
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Breastfeeding - A Little Myth Busting
Home Sweet Homebirth Blog
by Anne Margolis
5M ago
If you were to ask 100 different moms about what breastfeeding means to them, you might literally receive 100 different answers. You could also ask 100 different babies to wax poetic on the subject, but I’m uncertain as to just how far that would get you. I’m not here to talk about positions, nor reasons why you should consider nursing on demand, nor to expand upon the chemical properties of breastmilk nor debate the latest in breastfeeding nightgown technology. What I am here to do is to dispel a few myths that inevitably pepper nursing conversations whenever they pop up at a cocktail pa more
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A Hospital?
Home Sweet Homebirth Blog
by Anne Margolis
6M ago
Homes and hospitals. They might not seem to have a whole lot in common, except for the fact that they both begin with the letter “H”. But homebirth and hospital birth can and do co-exist, though that is sometimes hard to reconcile. We are so accustomed to categorization in our society – something has to be either/or; this or that. And often times those two choices are seemingly opposing ones. Why? Must there be conflict and judgment at every turn, especially when we are talking about teenie-weenie, precious babies and their awesome, warrior moms more
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What Questions Should You Ask When Interviewing A Midwife?
Home Sweet Homebirth Blog
by Anne Margolis
7M ago
Grab a glass of iced tea and settle in as we explore our first “Ask the Midwife” topic: “What questions should I ask when interviewing a midwife”? When it comes to our care and that of our babies, we want to leave no stone unturned. And we all probably know the basics. But it takes a little bit more reconnaissance to uncover personality traits or practice philosophy that might not be immediately apparent when you are trying to decide which midwife will be best suited to your needs and preferences. Photo by @lanicarterphotography The following is a list of queries you may want to consider brin more
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Eating, Drinking in Labor and IV
Home Sweet Homebirth Blog
by Anne Margolis
10M ago
Not allowing food or drink in normal labor because of risk of rare aspiration in case you need general anesthesia isn’t evidence based care, but based on outdated hospital policy and is harmful. People in labor need and want to stay well nourished and hydrated if given the choice, instead of being then connected to an IV for at least the fluids. You are running your marathon in labor. The uterus like any muscle requires nutrients to meet its energy needs. According to research from sports medicine, it is well known that for example eating carbohydrates during exercise improves performance, re more
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Naturally Choosing and Determining Baby's Sex
Home Sweet Homebirth Blog
by Anne Margolis
11M ago
To try to conceive a specific sex, there is a costly, invasive and controversial way of preimplantation genetic testing when doing in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or boy/girl sperm sorting with intrauterine insemination (IUI) - although not as full proof. There is no research or science to back the effectiveness of other natural methods. The theory behind a few of them is that girl producing sperm move slower than boy producing sperm, but last longer. So, if you want a girl, try to have sex 2-3 days before ovulation, as they will still be in the fallopian tubes when egg is released. If you are t more
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