die heart is the wonder of role-playing games. Find reviews, solo rpgs, old-school & narrative games.
8M ago
Here’s a little update on the blog.
I haven’t been playing games recently, so there are no new blog entries.
But the website won’t go away any time soon, as it doesn’t need a lot of maintenance.
That said, when I wanted to add a few new solo RPG entries today, I realized that the blog theme does not work anymore. (I used the hugo-vitae theme.)
Luckily, my blog engine, Hugo has a big community, so I switched out the theme fairly easily.
So, now the blog uses the minimalist Hugo Bear theme.
Unbelievably, this blog is now more than 10 years old…
Stay fresh, folks ..read more
2y ago
Here are some notes about Jim Murphy’s tips on Run your own RPG simply:
What game system am I going to use?
relates to the game world, not necessarily the mechanics
rules give you a basic framework and color
you can also use books (Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc.)
it should be simple and quick, people don’t have the patience to play the whole weekend
don’t run the rules, let someone other be the rules keeper
mechanics-wise: ideally everything should be in your mind, you only need a short primer
you don’t need to know all the details, figure it out on the go, embellish, make it up
let the ..read more
2y ago
This is a reading mini-review of Cairn RPG by Yochai Gal.
What Is Cairn RPG?
Cairn is an old-school role-playing game.
It’s not one of the clones that re-create the old editions of D&D (Dungeons & Dragons), but one of the “newer school”.
We’ve seen lightweight games in the last years in the spirit of old games that broke with the classic game design.
Into the Odd by Chris McDowall comes to mind, as well as Knave by Ben Milton.
Yochai Gal, the author, mentions these games in the foreword, together with other inspirations like Gavin Norman’s Dolmenwood setting.
That’s basically all you n ..read more
2y ago
I’ve played Mausritter (the German version) with my two children today.
They are 10 and 6. I’ve played Tails of Equestria with them 2 years ago, but it wasn’t a big success.
I now remember why: the younger one doesn’t have the patience for role-playing games.
The older one liked Mausritter. Playing mice is cute, and the rules are easy to grasp and lightweight.
Combat is dangerous.
One of the mice had two hit points. If you fight, you’ll get hit.
Then you’ll need a new mouse.
But making a new character is a fast process.
Luckily, my kids always try other solutions first.
I like how the game han ..read more
3y ago
Sword Quest Micro Edition is a rules-lite game in the vein of the classic adventure fantasy games of the past. For USD $2.99 you’ll get a ..read more
3y ago
Sword Quest Micro Edition is a rules-lite game in the vein of the classic adventure fantasy games of the past. For USD $2.99 you’ll get a ..read more
3y ago
This blog has been on hold for almost 2 years . I’ve decided to switch careers and am now in a much better head-space. That’s why I’ve ..read more
5y ago
Friends, I’ll make it official. I will stop this blog. A lot has happened last year. And my interests have moved in a different direction. Thank you for reading my articles and visiting my site. I am grateful for all the support I’ve received from you over the years. I will keep this website online, and will maintain the popular link lists. I wish you all the best. Connect to me on Twitter if you have any questions ..read more