Como Obter e Instalar um e-CPF ou e-CNPJ A3 no Ubuntu Linux em 2025
Octopus Carnival
1w ago
Este post é completamente diferente do conteúdo usual do Octopus Carnival, mas obter a informação aqui foi tão complicado que eu me sinto compelido a deixar instruções para as gerações futuras (e para mim mesmo, caso eu esqueça). Ele está em português porque estas instruções são relevantes para quem está no Brasil. Neste artigo, eu vou explicar todos os passos necessários para emitir e instalar um certificado digital A3 (e-CPF ou e-CNPJ) em uma máquina rodando Ubuntu 22.04 ou 24.04. O post foi originalmente escrito no meio de 2024, mas até onde eu sei suas instruções ainda são válidas. Backgro more
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Let's Read Hell's Rebels: Adventure 04, Part 3
Octopus Carnival
2M ago
This article is part of a series! Click here to see the other entries. We’re firmly in the wrap-up stage now. If you’re here, the PCs have succeeded at dismantling the powerful magical defenses of the Temple of Asmodeus and disrupted a dire summoning ritual that was Barzilai Thrune’s last attempt at squashing the Silver Raven rebellion. They made it out with a literal dragon’s hoard worth of loot and if they were particularly skilled they might even have managed to kill Thrune himself during the raid! In this post, we’ll see what all of that means for the rebellion. Strategic and Campaign Imp more
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Let's Read Hell's Rebels: Adventure 04, Part 02
Octopus Carnival
3M ago
This article is part of a series! Click here to see the other entries. Before I launch into a description of the big dungeon raid in this adventure, I think it’s useful to go over some background information. Barzilai’s Desperation Move As we say back in the background for Adventure 01, Barzilai’s scheme to become a genius loci will only work exactly as planned if he dies a natural death from old age. So he very much wants to keep on living. As soon as he sees he’s lost the upper hand in the rebellion (at Authority 0), the dictator will turtle up in the Temple of Asmodeus, and will order its more
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Let's Read Hell's Rebels 04, Part 01
Octopus Carnival
3M ago
This article is part of a series! Click here to see the other entries. The first three volumes of this adventure path were dedicated to building up the Silver Ravens and their rebellion. Strikes against Thrune were indirect and targeted peripheral facilities, which prevented the enemy from mounting a big response. All of this changes at the very end of Adventure 03, where Barzilai lays a deadly trap for the PCs and potentially kills a lot of innocents. At the start of this one, Barzilai Thrune makes his final three proclamations: he outlaws the Silver Ravens, he forbids worship of any god tha more
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GURPS is Brutalist, or Tweaking The Flow of Combat in GURPS
Octopus Carnival
4M ago
The Long Lines Building in New York A common complaint I hear about people who tried GURPS for the first time coming in from other systems is that the “flow” of combat feels odd. Mainly that those 1-second turns are too short and don’t let you do enough. Sometimes also that these short turns lead to fights that end too quickly to be dramatic1. I think this comes from a mismatch between the player’s learned expectations and the way GURPS actually does things. In this post I’ll try to describe this difference, and give a few suggestions on how to reduce the friction. Describing the Difference L more
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Abandoning Weapon Master
Octopus Carnival
4M ago
A while back I made a post about combining Weapon Master and Trained by a Master into a single advantage. After thinking about it for a while, I think I might have changed my mind about it. I not sure the two traits are really meant to coexist in the same campaign, despite what Dungeon Fantasy tries to do. Dungeon Fantasy character creation rules are all about replicating a lot of D&D’s conventions in GURPS. And one of the D&D-isms it tries to replicate is that a combat centric character can be either strong or fast, but not both. D&D Combat Conventions In recent editions of D& more
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Let's Play Hell's Rebels: Player Character Origins
Octopus Carnival
5M ago
Hell’s Rebels includes some traits in its Player’s Guide that can be assigned to PCs to tie them to the campaign either by providing a motivation or by giving them additional ways to contribute. A PC could be a minor worker in the opera, or a fed-up citizen, or interested in the city’s history, and so on. I don’t think those quite fit what I have in mind for my solo campaign. They are suitable as backgrounds for level 1 starting characters and their mechanics can be useful at the start, but pretty much cease to be a factor in the story once the “main plot” kicks in. Despite being released six more
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Let's Play Hell's Rebels: Adjusting Setting Assumptions
Octopus Carnival
5M ago
It’s time for me to put on my GM hat and begin preparing my solo Hell’s Rebels campaign. As mentioned in the previous post, I want to play this using the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy rule set instead of the campaign’s native Pathfinder 1e. Let’s take a look at what this means. But wait a minute! Wasn’t that previous most published more than a year ago? Well, turns out I started writing this one shortly after publishing it, but one thing and another got in the way and I’m only getting around to publishing it now. I’m actually a fair bit along in campaign preparation and even started playing, I’m just more
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Denizens of the Sea
Octopus Carnival
9M ago
I’ve published an article about underwater adventuring in the past, in which I mentioned that “fish-people” had several advantages over “land-lubbers” when it came to mobility and fighting in an underwater environment. A later post included a few items that could help those land-lubbers close the gap… so how about we take a look at those fish-people now? As a bonus, you get a nice little bundle of setting info you can drop on your campaign if you want. The Fate of Atlantis The name “Atlantis” figures in the myths and legends of many more places than it should. Cultures that have never heard of more
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The Great Tabletop Hackaton: Hard Wired Island
Octopus Carnival
1y ago
Hard Wired Island's cover. Hard Wired Island is a cyberpunk game published by Weird Age Games in 2020. It’s a beefy 400 page tome comparable in size to the Shadowrun or CP RED cores, but only about 25% of that is rules. Setting Overview Hard Wired Island takes place in Grand Cross, an O’Neil Cylinder habitat orbiting Earth’s Lagrange 5 point, in the “distant future” of 2020. It was built according to an idealistic plan in the wake of terrible environmental and economic disasters on Earth, but is currently in the process of being co-opted and corrupted by the interests of ultra-rich corporatio more
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