Lockdown 2.0
Unconventionally "normal"
by unconventionallynormal14
4y ago
Well what a way to start November, with news of another national lockdown, will this one actually only last 4 weeks or will it be until January?! Who the hell knows! Thought I’d just come and do a little life update, I’m back at work and have been since July, I’m really really enjoying being back! I am having the flare up from hell, I’m experiencing a lot of the same symptoms I have before but they feel a lot worse than they usually do. This flare up I swear is trying to kill me off, the worst part of it this time is that my right hip is subluxing every time I move, even if it’s just a hint of ..read more
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A letter to 10 year old me
Unconventionally "normal"
by unconventionallynormal14
4y ago
Hey everyone! I feel like we all wish we could go back to our younger selves to give them advise. To prepare us for the hardships we face but also to tell them to enjoy the positives and to embrace life, so today more for myself than anyone else I am going to write a letter to my past self! Dear 10 year old Scarlett, I don’t even know where to start with this, you’ve left secondary school, completed your diploma in childcare (a path you have always dreamed to go down). Unfortunately things will not be as smooth sailing as you thought! Let’s face it you’ve never felt like a normal kid, you’ve b ..read more
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Lumps and Bumps
Unconventionally "normal"
by unconventionallynormal14
4y ago
Hey Everyone, As another 3 weeks of lockdown have passed I hope you’re all doing ok! I wasn’t planning on saying anything about this anywhere but thought I should share just in case anyone has/is going through the same thing (this is what my blog is all about sharing my experiences just in case I help one person relate or feel better). So probably about 6 months ago now I discovered I had a small lump in my arm pit, I decided not to think anything of it as it seemed to get worse when I shaved so thought oh maybe it’s just an ingrown hair that I can’t see at the moment etc. All of a sudden abou ..read more
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Scarlett VS Lockdown 2020
Unconventionally "normal"
by unconventionallynormal14
4y ago
Hey Everyone! Im so sorry I haven’t posted for a long time, I always convince myself that people won’t read about my boring life and aren’t interested in reading what I have to say. When in reality I write these blogs for me to look back on rather than for people to read ( I love anyone that reads my ramblings and gets behind me of course!) I thought I would do a little lockdown update because this is honestly one of the most surreal things I have ever lived through! I haven’t had to battle COVID-19 (yet) I consider myself very lucky that everyone close to me have all been ok so far! And for o ..read more
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The Exact Opposite of Okay – book review
Unconventionally "normal"
by unconventionallynormal14
5y ago
Hi everyone I hope you’re all well? Something slightly different for this blog…as a lot of you know my main hobby is reading, I’m never seen without a book in my handbag or my hand (unless I’m at work of course). So this will be a review of one of my top 5 all time fave books! The Exact Opposite of Okay by Laura Steven, I would encourage anyone 16+ to read this book! This story follows 18 year old Izzy O’Neil “Impoverished orphan, aspiring comedian and Slut Extraordinaire, if the gossip sites are anything to go by..”. Izzy never expected her world To be turned upside down until explicit photos ..read more
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New House, New Start, Still Broken
Unconventionally "normal"
by unconventionallynormal14
5y ago
Hey everyone, I hope you are all well, let me know what you’ve all been up to! Sorry I haven’t been around for a while I was just getting back into blogging when all of a sudden we were swept up into the whirlwind of life! So me and my partner have recently moved into a bungalow to help me with my mobility, we applied to the council house list to see if I could get some extra support and low and behold I did! I will be forever grateful for the fact that we have a wonderful bungalow to call our own! I say it was a whirlwind and I literally mean it we got told a house was available on the Thursd ..read more
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