Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
Van's Doll Treasures primarily features Barbie and other fashion dolls her size. I make and sell 1/6 scale doll furniture for Barbie and Ken. The link to my Etsy shop is available on the right hand side. I prepare dioramas and videos that feature my doll families.
Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
4y ago
Hello everyone!
I know you have all been worried. I have to say I was worried too. I'm not going to go into too much detail, but I had a horrible cancer related illness that almost took me out. My friends and family were counting me out. Of course, I'm a fighter and knew I wasn't ready to leave.
I have been completely bedridden since the end of April. Every bone in my body hurt. It's been challenging mentally as well as physically. At the moment I still can't walk because I've lost so much muscle mass. Next week I start physical therapy a ..read more
Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
4y ago
Hello, guys. It's been awhile. I thought I would send Dr. Dasia to give you a brief update on my condition.
Interviewer: Hello Dr. Dasia. So what can you tell us about our patient?
Dr. Dasia: The patient has made some progress, but admittedly her progress has been slow. She is still not walking on her own devices.
Interviewer: Do you have any idea when the leg will heal enough for her to get rid of the crutches?
Dr. Dasia: That is a mystery at the moment. All we can do is keep the patient comfortable and ..read more
Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
4y ago
I figured I better check in and give you guys an update. I wasn't going to mention any of this, but pretty soon you guys are going to start wondering where I am.
On March 16th, I was up, dressed and getting ready to go to chemo. It was about 8am. My bum leg was feeling better than it had in weeks. I decided to fill up the dog bowl with more food since I was going to be gone all day long. As I'm walking across my bedroom, with dog food bowl in hand, I slipped on something and went flying through the air. I heard a snap in my bad leg, so as I hit the flo ..read more
Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
4y ago
Dasia, and husband Harold, are spending the weekend camping with their daughter Carmelia, her husband, Emmitt and two of their three kids. They arrived at the campground early that morning, set up the tent, and started the fire.
The family sits around the fire relaxing a bit.
"Look at my wife. Out here roughing it in the wilderness." (Emmitt)
"Why did you say it like that?" (Carmelia)
"Oh come on, honey, you know you would much rather be in a nice hotel, ordering room service." (Emmitt)
"Stop harassing my daughter. Any aversion she ..read more
Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
4y ago
Last we saw Tony, he was headed to pick up the kids so they could drop by the bakery and surprise his wife.
He has already picked up Kenaz and Zahara. He's now picking up Nikaya.
"Hi Daddy!" (Nikaya)
"Hey, baby girl. Hurry up and get in. It's chilly out there." (Tony)
"It was so hot yesterday. How can it be cold, today?" (Nikaya)
"This weather is just crazy." (Tony)
"Ughhh. I can never get this seatbelt to act right. I think it hates me." (Nikaya)
"Here, let me help." (Tony)
"There it goes. I got it ..read more
Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
4y ago
And it's huge! So what's in the box you ask? My New Bright Hummer.
When I got home yesterday and I saw this box, I fell out laughing. I knew how big the Hummer was, but seeing it in this box made it seem even larger.
It's a beautiful burgundy color. It's not metallic like the PT Cruiser, but still very nice.
This car also belongs to the Taylor family.....
Tony and Antoinette Taylor. You didn't think Tony was going to let his brother outdo him with a new vehicle. One final check under the hood and he is ready to go.
The hardest part abou ..read more
Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
4y ago
This is Dr. Locicero and Dr. King, who is referred to as Dr. Evelyn. They co-own the practice and have identical rooms.
Danielle has been joined by Taj and her son, Neo. Jacob is intrigued and makes his way over. Danielle feels a little out of the loop. She's so used to knowing everyone in town, but this is her first time even seeing Taj. They strike up a conversation and before long they are exchanging information.
The first patient of the day is coming downstairs in the elevator. It's Vernon and his daughter, Kimaya.
"Daddy, I hate shots." (Kimaya)
"I hate ..read more
Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
4y ago
One of my best friends, who is also a doll collector, just moved back to Georgia, permanently. I'm ultra excited! Her collection of dolls and doll props are extensive. She has about six of the New Bright remote controlled vehicles. I forgot just how big these vehicles are. She said I could share her vehicles and keep a few at my house. Right now I have the PT Cruiser in my possession. Yesterday, I purchased my own Hummer from Ebay. I can't wait to show it to you guys. For now, let's check out the PT Cruiser.
First of all this vehicle is ..read more
Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
4y ago
While hanging out near the bakery, waiting to see who else was going to stop in, I ran into Dasia. I stopped her before she went into the bakery.
"Hello. How are you today? I see you heard about the new bakery." (Me)
"Hello. I'm doing well. Yes, I did hear about the bakery opening today. Normally, I bake for my hubby, but I thought I would come down and see if I could find some nice treats for Valentine's Day." (Dasia)
"I like that jacket. Is it new?" (Me)
"As a matter of fact, it is. My family and I are going camping so ..read more
Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
4y ago
Antoinette is doing a soft opening of the bakery. This is a way for her to see where the kinks are and fix them before she opens the doors for good. It also allowed me to see that I have to extend the height of this bakery. It's really too short to get the best pictures. I will address that before the real opening.
It's early morning. Cathy and her son, Deondre have stopped in to grab breakfast before she drops him off at school and heads to work. (Initially, I had these two as brother and sister, but decided he made a better son. He's 16 ..read more