Leslie Vernick - Christ-Centered Counseling Blog
Hi, I am Leslie Vernick. I am a national and international speaker, author, licensed clinical social worker, consultant and relationship coach. One of the reasons I’m so passionate about helping people in difficult and destructive relationships is because I know what it feels like to be in one.
Leslie Vernick - Christ-Centered Counseling Blog
19h ago
Dear Beloved Reader, February is often called the month of love. It’s a time when the world paints pictures of romance, devotion, and happily-ever-afters. But for many Christian women, this month carries a different weight. It is a time of wrestling with loneliness within marriage, unmet emotional needs, and the ache of feeling unseen by ..read more
Leslie Vernick - Christ-Centered Counseling Blog
6d ago
Hello Friends! Here in West Michigan, I find myself begrudging winter this time of year, as there is quite a bit of winter left in my future. Once the new year begins, I must intentionally resist the rush toward spring. I remind myself that winter has a purpose. There is no doubt, the midwestern winter ..read more
Leslie Vernick - Christ-Centered Counseling Blog
2w ago
Morning friend, There was a lot of good conversation around last week’s question. Christian women have been strongly advised to “fight for their man/marriage” when things are going bad. And that’s not bad advice if you know what you are fighting for and the best strategies to do it. Fighting with him never leads to ..read more
Leslie Vernick - Christ-Centered Counseling Blog
3w ago
Morning friend, If you live near the Phoenix, AZ area, I’d encourage you to attend the Restore Conference, February 7,8,9. It’s going to be amazing teaching, especially around spiritual and religious abuse. If you attend, please come up and say hi. I’d love to meet you. Question: Please help me figure this out. I am ..read more
Leslie Vernick - Christ-Centered Counseling Blog
3w ago
Happy New Year! January is a time for new beginnings. Maybe you have defined some goals for yourself. Or perhaps like me, you have chosen a word for the year and have invited God to speak into your life in ways you may not expect. Intentionality is important in order to achieve true success. Starting ..read more
Leslie Vernick - Christ-Centered Counseling Blog
1M ago
Dear Beloved Reader, As a coach here on Leslie’s team, my heart is to cultivate a space where every woman in our community feels seen, supported, and equipped for growth. Recently, we received a question from one of you that caused me to press pause and raise my hand to answer it. Why? Because of ..read more
Leslie Vernick - Christ-Centered Counseling Blog
1M ago
Happy New Year Friend, For some of you entering 2025, right now is not a happy time. I get it. I truly do. There are things that happen to us that we have zero control over. But can I ask you a question? What might grow and be different in you in 2025 if you ..read more
How Does One Balance Mercy and Stern Boundaries with Difficult People Who You Have to Interact With?
Leslie Vernick - Christ-Centered Counseling Blog
1M ago
Merry Christmas friend, I know for some of you this is a hard day, a hard season. You’re alone or with family who are fighting. But for a moment, I invite you to put that reality in the background and bring into focus what this season is truly about. God came into a dark, scary ..read more
Leslie Vernick - Christ-Centered Counseling Blog
2M ago
Morning friend, We are one week away from celebrating Christmas. One of my favorite books for this season is Making Room in Advent by Bette Dickinson. It’s full of beautiful watercolor illustrations but even better, the author invites you to press pause and think about things differently. Here’s one quote: She’s talking about unanswered prayers ..read more
Leslie Vernick - Christ-Centered Counseling Blog
2M ago
Happy Holidays, my friends! Have you ever been given an unexpected gift that you really didn’t want? This month you may be looking to return some gifts or exchange them for things you like better. Or for some of you, you may be hoping for a good gift from a loved one only to be ..read more