90 years ago today - Feb 15, 1935
Today in Mormon History
2d ago
[Heber J. Grant] I note what you say in your letter of February 12 regarding the activities of the Moose fraternity in your Stake. I have no recollection of having written letters recommending that our people join the Loyal Order of Moose. We have always advised Church members against joining secret societies, as we feel that there is an abundance of opportunity in the Church for young and old to devote all their spare time in helping the Wards or Branches where they reside, or in rendering assistance to our auxiliary associations, and that there is no need to join any other organization of an ..read more
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85 years ago today - Feb 15, 1940
Today in Mormon History
2d ago
HOLLYWOOD CITIZEN article about actress Laraine Day: "Wonders never cease and today we met in the center of Hollywood a movie actress, and a beautiful one, too, who never has tasted a cocktail nor smoked a cigarette. Her name is Laraine Day, and lips that touch liquor shall never touch hers, and if there is any other movie star with a record like that, we'll put it in our pipe and smoke it. We're not trying to spoof Miss Day, either. She is a member of the Church of the Latter-day Saints, she's engaged to a missionary, and we have the greatest of respect for her. Only we're a little surprised ..read more
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40 years ago today - Feb 15, 1985
Today in Mormon History
2d ago
Don LeFevre, director of the LDS press relations, issues a statement warning that "privately arranged placement of any children without a licensed agency's sanction is frequently in violation of local or national law. Church officers or members should not be involved in such arrangements." Recently a baby-smuggling ring, which sold some infants to childless had been broken and Nelda Karen Cotwell of Layton, Utah, convicted for conspiring to illegally bring Mexican infants into the United States and sell them.. http://bit.ly/tdimh ..read more
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155 years ago today - Feb 15, 1870
Today in Mormon History
2d ago
Oliver Cowdery's widow, Elizabeth Ann Whitmer Cowdery Johnson, a daughter of David Whitmer, made a statement regarding the translation of the Book of Mormon. "I cheerfully certify that I was familiar with the manner of Joseph Smith's translating the book of Mormon. He translated the most of it at my father's house. And I often sat by and saw and heard them translate and write for hours together. Joseph never had a curtain drawn between him and his scribe while he was translating. He would place the director in his hat, and then place his face in his hat, so as to exclude the light, . . ." http ..read more
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150 years ago today - Feb 15, 1875
Today in Mormon History
2d ago
In TRUE L.D.S. HERALD, President Joseph Smith III writes: "We are pained to learn that some few Elders are making an unnecessary distinction between the white and colored races in regard to gospel ordinances and fellowship....It is unjust to the Church for one, two or more Elders to teach, preach, or advise a distinction and exclusion from church fellowship and communion upon the ground of race or color; while the 'articles and covenants of the Church' nowhere warrant such exclusion, and the practice of the Church has never sanctioned it....We think it derogatory to the teaching of Jesus, as f ..read more
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120 years ago today - Feb 15, 1905
Today in Mormon History
2d ago
The Smoot hearing had concentrated attention on the practice of polygamy in Utah. However Chairman Burrows was extending the investigation to Mormon practice in other states such as New Mexico. The church felt that the main issue in the Smoot hearing was not simply the seating of the Senator from Utah. [1905-February 15-Original letter, Reed Smoot collection,, Brigham Young University Library, Archives, Provo, Utah, as quoted in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)] http://bit.ly/tdimh ..read more
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200 years ago today - Feb 15, 1825
Today in Mormon History
2d ago
The Boston Medical Intelligencer notes "The students of the Medical Institution in New-Haven, have engaged Mr S. F. B. Morse to paint a portrait of Professor Smith ..." This was Dr. Nathan Smith, who had saved Joseph Smith's leg a dozen years earlier. [Grunder, Rick, Mormon Parallels: A Bibliographic Source] http://bit.ly/tdimh ..read more
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190 years ago today - Feb 15, 1835
Today in Mormon History
2d ago
In Kirtland Oliver Cowdery contintues ordinations and blessings of original Twelve Apostles chosen the previous day. Though he never spoke to his associates about his ethnic heritage, William E. McLellin, whose mother was Cherokee, is ordained an apostle to become the first general authority of native American extraction. McLellin is blessed: "his days may be prolonged until the coming of the Son of Man. He shall be wafted as on eagles wings from country to country and from people to people and be able to do wonders in the midst of this generation, . . ." Twenty-three-year-old John F. Boynton ..read more
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180 years ago today - Feb 15, 1845
Today in Mormon History
2d ago
Sidney Rigdon asks, in the LDS newspaper MESSENGER AND ADVOCATE "Did the Lord ever tell any people that sleeping with their neighbor's wives and daughters had any thing to do with preparing the way of the Savior's coming[?]" Ridgon's daughter, Nancy, had been approached by Joseph Smith and asked to become a secret plural wife. This caused a rift between Rigdon and Smith. http://bit.ly/tdimh ..read more
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40 years ago today - Feb 14, 1985
Today in Mormon History
3d ago
In the United States, the Rabbinical Assembly of Conservative Judaism formally announced that they would begin to accept women as rabbis. [Cline, Austin, History of American Religion: Timeline] http://bit.ly/tdimh ..read more
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