Life Balance Counseling Blog
by Jennifer Budruweit
1y ago
 It’s officially February, meaning that wherever you look there are big red hearts, Valentine’s Day sale emails, flowers, candy aisles, and CHOCOLATE! During this season, there is so much emphasis on our love for those we care about, but what about you? When is the time to give yourself love and appreciate who you are as a person? If you ask me, it should be every day. So often, we forget about filling our own cup and loving who we see reflected back at us in the mirror. We live in a world where the marketing industry floods your social media feeds with posed questions that make you quest more
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The Emotional Effects of Nostalgia
Life Balance Counseling Blog
by Jennifer Budruweit
1y ago
Nostalgia is a powerful and universal emotion that often takes us on a journey through our emotional past. It's a complex feeling that often leaves us with a mix of emotions that can be bittersweet, yet incredibly significant for our mental well-being. Understanding Nostalgia Nostalgia is a unique blend of emotions that occur when we look back on our personal history. It's more than just reminiscing; it's a deep and often sentimental longing for the past. Nostalgia can be triggered by various stimuli, such as familiar scents, music, photographs, or even specific locations. The Emotional Effect more
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Service Animals
Life Balance Counseling Blog
by Jennifer Budruweit
1y ago
From the Fall of 2022, there are an estimated 500,00 service dogs in the United States of America. There are, most likely, more active service dogs within the United States today due to this data being a year old. Given this information, people do not know fully what a service dog or animal is for, how to obtain one, how much they cost, how long training can take, and the rights that individuals with disabilities have when it comes to having a service animal. According to the ADA, “Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with dis more
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Life Balance Counseling Blog
by Jennifer Budruweit
1y ago
Procrastination is when we voluntarily delay something despite knowing that there are negative consequences for putting it off. Whether you are an occasional procrastinator or a chronic procrastinator, this behavior can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and feelings of guilt or shame, which can negatively impact mental health.   Why do we procrastinate in the first place? Well, there are a few reasons why we might do so, with one of the biggest reasons being the fact that we are trying to avoid an unpleasant feeling. You might feel nervous when you need to call and schedule a doctor’s ap more
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Mindful Exercising
Life Balance Counseling Blog
by Jennifer Budruweit
2y ago
Happy New Year! And if you’re anything like me, I have already made some New Year’s Resolutions and have made them again…in January. Its not easy to make a commitment and keep it. Things are hectic, schedules are packed, and there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Then when things get busy my new commitments sometimes fall by the wayside. Anything that feels like “extra” is not priority the way it started in the beginning of the year. Most of the time I don’t even notice I’m letting go of my new commitments. It is usually a slow process. One “oh I’ll do it tomorrow” after another or more
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What is Transpersonal Psychology?
Life Balance Counseling Blog
by Jennifer Budruweit
2y ago
To begin to explain Transpersonal Counseling it is important to understand what transpersonal actually means. When referring to transpersonal, these are experiences or certain events that go beyond our common self-conscious or ego awareness. These events tend to connect our human essence with a more meaningful reality (Daniels, 2013). There are many ways to connect to transpersonal events. These techniques have existed for many years, especially in Eastern traditions and has been slowly arriving to the Western side of the hemisphere. Some specific examples are through practices of meditation more
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2 Ways to Practice Gratitude This Holiday Season
Life Balance Counseling Blog
by Jennifer Budruweit
2y ago
The upcoming holiday season is filled with all kinds of emotions for all kinds of reasons. Messages of hope and thankfulness inspire us to think differently about our lives, deepen our awareness of what we have, and help us focus on what is most important to us. Although it is relatively well-known that practicing positivity and gratefulness in our lives boosts mental and physical health in many ways (Jans-Beken et al., 2020), it is sometimes easier said than done, especially if you are new to the practice. Here are two ideas to hone in on that practice of gratitude during this season, whateve more
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Excoriation Disorder
Life Balance Counseling Blog
by Jennifer Budruweit
2y ago
Excoriation disorder, commonly known as dermatillomania or skin picking disorder, is classified under obsessive-compulsive disorders in the DSM-5. Excoriation disorder is a body-focused repetitive behavior where someone recurrently and compulsively picks at their skin to the point of injury. Excoriation disorder behaviors include repetitive touching, scratching, rubbing, picking, and digging into the skin, and can target healthy or unhealthy skin, scabs, lesions, pimples, or other blemishes. While there is no direct cause of excoriation disorder, there are several conditions that have been con more
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The Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health
Life Balance Counseling Blog
by Jennifer Budruweit
2y ago
The past two years being in the quarantine has shown us many things. It appears we are slowly working our way out of it. Maybe some level of normalcy is returning and although the quarantine was not something we wanted or even saw coming it made us look at circumstances different. It made people consider being plant parents, learn new hobbies, and learn what does and doesn’t work for them and their mental health. Many people realized that in the quiet of life, without back-to-back schedules, not going out, not going to stores, etc. that there were mental health issues that were never fully ad more
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Feelings and Meanings
Life Balance Counseling Blog
by Jennifer Budruweit
2y ago
Feelings and Meanings Feelings such as sadness, loneliness, anger, love, and hopelessness are tied to some meaning in our lives. For example, if you are lonely, it likely means that connection is important to you. Feeling love means another person is important to you. Anxiety may mean that something important to you is in danger.  It can be hard to put into words WHY you feel the way you do. Finding words to describe the feeling is easy, but why you feel an emotion is a little trickier to define. Below will help you work towards noticing and identifying your feelings, because understandin more
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