Call for Applicants: Editor in Chief of BYU Studies
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by J Stuart
3d ago
Dear Friends of BYU Studies, Over the past six years, Dr. Steven C. Harper has done a remarkable job leading BYU Studies as its editor in chief. We are grateful for his thoughtful leadership and inspiring publication record of BYU’s premier academic journal under his leadership. Having completed two, three-year terms as editor in chief more
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Juanita Brooks Conference on Utah History Poster Session CFP
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by J Stuart
3w ago
Proposals due: April 1, 2025: accepted on a rolling basis (no limit on participants) The Juanita Brooks Conference, a platform that values and promotes diverse histories and cultures of Utah and the American West, eagerly awaits your poster submissions. We extend this invitation to scholars and students across various fields, including environmental history, American religion more
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Reminder: MHA Article Awards (Due February 1, 2025)
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by J Stuart
3w ago
Submit your work (or a colleague’s work) for an MHA Award! Publishers: submit your author’s work! Here are the awards for this year’s cycle: Please send submissions to joseph [dot] stuart [at] byu [dot] edu more
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Call For Proposals: Special Issue of Journal of Mormon History “Mormon History in the Digital Age”
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by Jeff T
1M ago
Happy almost New Year, folks! As a way of ushering in this new year, Spencer Stewart and I invite you to submit a proposal for a special issue of the Journal of Mormon History, called “Mormon History in the Digital Age.” We’re hoping that the issue will be inclusive of all kinds of contributions, hence more
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University of Utah Graduate Research Fellowship in Mormon Studies
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by J Stuart
2M ago
The first of its kind in the nation, the Tanner Humanities Center’s Mormon Studies fellowship provides a doctoral student funds to spend a year researching the history, beliefs, and culture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members, or any religious group that traces its roots to Joseph Smith Jr. This fellowship is open to more
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Call for Papers: Faith and Knowledge Conference 2025
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by J Stuart
2M ago
Ninth Biennial Faith and Knowledge Conference University of Utah, Salt Lake City May 16-18, 2025 The Faith and Knowledge Conference was established in 2007 by Latter-day Saint scholar Richard Bushman. Its mission is to bring together graduate students and early career scholars from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Community of Christ, and more
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Site Manager Positions (4) with the LDS Church History Library
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by J Stuart
2M ago
Palmyra, NY Position Kirtland, OH Position Independence, MO Position Nauvoo, IL Position The job ads seem prettyty similar; here’s the full text for the Palmyra position Site Manager – Palmyra, NY Palmyra, NY, United States (On-site) To meet the needs of the Church, we seek to build teams that represent the diverse perspectives, broad life experiences more
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Book of Mormon Art Catalog Expands to Include Restoration History and Scripture
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by J Stuart
2M ago
Provo, Utah – The world’s largest database of Latter-day Saint art just got bigger. The Book of Mormon Art Catalog ( now includes not only visual art inspired by the Book of Mormon but also art based on Church history, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Since the catalog launched in more
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Help a Friend: Keepapitchinin
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by J Stuart
2M ago
Hi Friends, If you are in a place to be able to help keep Keepapitchinin’s software and domain up and running, please send a donation through the “donate” link on the left side of the page on Keepa’s front page: With Love, The JI Team more
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MHA Article Awards (Due February 1, 2025)
Juvenile Instructor
by J Stuart
3M ago
Submit your work (or a colleague’s work) for an MHA Award! Publishers: submit your author’s work! Here are the awards for this year’s cycle: Please send submissions to joseph [dot] start [at] byu [dot] edu more
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