Devotion for Friday, July 26, 2024
Lutheran Core
by Jeffray Greene
15h ago
“If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. Truly I tell you, it Read More The post Devotion for Friday, July 26, 2024 appeared first on Lutheran Coalition for Renewal (CORE more
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Devotion for Thursday, July 25, 2025
Lutheran Core
by Jeffray Greene
2d ago
“If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you” (Matthew 10:13). If they will receive you, Read More The post Devotion for Thursday, July 25, 2025 appeared first on Lutheran Coalition for Renewal (CORE more
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Devotion for Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Lutheran Core
by Jeffray Greene
2d ago
“Whatever town or village you enter, find out who in it is worthy, and stay there until you leave. As you enter the house, greet it” (Matthew 10:11-12). Christians are not to go into the world to just find out who to convert. The Holy Spirit knows who is ready to receive the Gospel. Go, and if they receive you, stay. We are not selling anything. The truth of Jesus is the truth of reality. Some want to continue with unreality. Some are open and willing. Trust the leading of the Holy Spirit and be willing to remain with those who are willing to receive. Lord, I have grown up in a time when it se more
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Devotion for Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Lutheran Core
by Jeffray Greene
4d ago
“Take no gold, or silver, or copper in your belts, no bag for your journey, or two tunics, or sandals, or a staff; for laborers deserve their food” (Matthew 10:9-10). Money may be a part of this age, but why do we worry about money? Does not everything belong to the Lord? Whether it is outright gambling, working all the time, or merely wishful thinking, why do we spend so much time and energy on things that are fleeting? Above all things, trust the Lord. He knows what we need even before we ask. He provides for all. Lord, this world has us scrambling all the time. Earn more, give more, try to more
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Devotion for Monday, July 22, 2024
Lutheran Core
by Jeffray Greene
4d ago
“As you go, proclaim the good news, ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received without payment; give without payment” (Matthew 10:7-8). The Good News is that the kingdom of heaven has come near. Jesus is always close by. Will you take His hand and walk with Him? You have received freely, now freely give. If the Lord so leads, bring healing where He directs. He is the One with all power, but He grants all of us authority to go out in His name. As you have been called, so also, you are sent to share the good news of sal more
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Devotion for Sunday, July 21, 2024
Lutheran Core
by Jeffray Greene
5d ago
“These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:5-6). Jesus needed to teach them how to reach out before the Holy Spirit would lead them out into the world. First, learn how to love those in your community, then learn how to love the stranger. First look for those who are looking, then go into all the world. Jesus teaches us to be focused on the direction He gives. You are not in charge, He is. Learn to follow the Lord in all His ways. Everythin more
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Devotion for Thursday, July 18, 2024
Lutheran Core
by Jeffray Greene
1w ago
“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:37-38). When you ask, He may well choose you to go into the field.  In our heathen world, which believes itself filled with specialists, we tend to think Jesus will send someone else.  You have been called to labor in the vineyard of Christ.  The need is great, for many need what you know.  Share with others what has been shared with you. Lord, do I need to go for special schooling to be able to share th more
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Devotion for Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Lutheran Core
by Jeffray Greene
1w ago
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36).   Because they were harassed and helpless, Jesus compassionately helped the crowds.  You and I are in the same crowd.  Are we arrogant and judgmental, or do we realize that we are helpless?  This describes the two groups of people in this world. We are one or the other.  Either we come to Jesus and tell Him what we think, or else we come to Jesus and look to Him to do what is needed.  Sometimes we are both. Lord, help me more
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2024 Summer Fundraising Letter
Lutheran Core
by Dennis Nelson
1w ago
Summer 2024 Dear Friends – In the March 2024 issue of our newsletter, CORE Voice, I wrote about the DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility) audit which the ELCA had commissioned a law firm to do of its governing documents. I listed several examples of the audit’s Recommended Minimum DEIA Standards for Congregations. There are also Recommended Minimum DEIA Standards for Synods and Churchwide. I asked the question, What will be the consequences for congregations if and when these recommendations become requirements? If congregations that are DEIA-compliant are rewarded with such thing more
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Devotion for Monday, July 15, 2024
Lutheran Core
by Jeffray Greene
1w ago
“But the Pharisees said, “By the ruler of the demons he casts out the demons” (Matthew 9:32).  If you do not like something, then accuse the one who did it of something outrageous.  Liars lie and people believe the liar and not the one who tells the truth.  It was true then and it is true now.  But you, do you believe the liar, or do you press on until you know the truth?  Jesus told us that we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.  Only in the truth will we see eternity in heaven. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! Lord, the father of all lie more
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