The Evangelical Calvinist
Hello my name is Bobby Grow, and I author this blog, The Evangelical Calvinist. Find new and emerging voices join senior Reformed scholars in presenting a coherent and impassioned articulation of Calvinism for today's world. Evangelical Calvinism represents a mood within current Reformed theology. The various contributors are in different ways articulating that mood, of which their very..
The Evangelical Calvinist
2d ago
Dearest readers, I am going to take a break from blogging, at least through Easter Sunday (April 20). My blogging has slowed anyway, from my typical pace, years past. I am not feeling as motivated to post like I used ..read more
The Evangelical Calvinist
5d ago
Karl Barth being rightfully critical of a reformed Federal or Covenantal theology. Here we see what it looks like to think from a noncompetitive relationship between God and humanity; and to simply think humanity from God’s life for us. It ..read more
The Evangelical Calvinist
1w ago
Just a quick note on some personal academic and educational news. I have resigned from my position as a faculty member in theology at Martin Luther School of Bible and Theology. Primarily, because I am not Lutheran; and I also ..read more
The Evangelical Calvinist
2w ago
Questions we are engaging with for this week’s philosophy of religion class. Part of this, the last part represents its own separate forum for the class; it is supposed to be a debate forum. Creator of the world Does the ..read more
The Evangelical Calvinist
2w ago
I take this to be something of a paraphrase of John 3:16 by Karl Barth (even though he doesn’t identify it as such, explicitly): Basically, the doctrine of the concursus [trans. accompanying] must be as follows. God, the only true ..read more
The Evangelical Calvinist
2w ago
More from the philo class. On the potential problem for classical theism and its doctrine of divine simplicity. How can God be Simple and yet still have attributes? That’s the question I’m responding to w/ ref to our reading of ..read more
The Evangelical Calvinist
2w ago
More from the philosophy class. As I reread this just now I didn’t really answer the whole question. Although, I amended it since in the class forum. What does it mean to say that the concept of God is simple ..read more
The Evangelical Calvinist
3w ago
More thoughts on the properties of God for my philosophy of religion class. As I have been responding, this week, surrounding God’s omniscience, eternality freedom, goodness, and necessity. These are my last three responses. What is freedom? Does it make ..read more
The Evangelical Calvinist
3w ago
More thoughts on the properties of God for my philosophy of religion class. As I have been responding, this week, surrounding God’s omniscience, freedom, goodness, and necessity. These are my first two responses. “Could anyone other than you, right here ..read more
The Evangelical Calvinist
3w ago
Barth on the stillbirth of the Protestant Reformation. He underscores a reality that I have been, we have been writing about for years, in regard to the scholasticism Reformed and Lutheran. That is to note, the reception of the Aristotelian ..read more