Pentecostal Life Church Blog
Pentecostal Life Church first met in a small meeting room on Highway 78 that soon filled up. Then God opened the door to a bigger facility. Pastor Slayter’s motto is, “We are not a small church but a great church in infancy.” If you are looking for a church that you will feel loved, needed, and wanted, then Pentecostal Life Church is the right place for you.
Pentecostal Life Church Blog
3y ago
Are you new to Pentecostalism and want to know more? Are you new to Christianity and searching for the right Church fit for you? Are you in or near San Antonio Texas and looking at Pentecostal Churches San Antonio TX? We are here to help. This article will give more insight about Pentecostalism and its…
The post Learn more about Pentecostal Churches San Antonio TX appeared first on Pentecostal Churches San Antonio TX-Pentecostal Life Church Schertz TX ..read more
Pentecostal Life Church Blog
5y ago
CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], from Wikimedia Commons
Are you new to Pentecostalism and want to know more? Are you new to Christianity and searching for the right Church fit for you? Are you in or near San Antonio Texas and looking at Pentecostal Churches San Antonio TX? We are here to help. This article will give more insight about Pentecostalism and its role in the Christian faith, as well as some history of Pentecostalism and why it is still thriving today.
Birth of Christianity
In order to understand Pentecostalism, it is important to have a solid found ..read more
Pentecostal Life Church
5y ago
Pentecost 48~The Holy Spirit by Waiting For The Word is licensed under CC by 2.0
Who is Peter? How is Peter relevant to Pentecost?
Before we discuss Peter’s relevancy to Pentecostals and the Day of Pentecost, it is important to have a clear sense of who Peter is. When Jesus came to Peter he was a fisherman. Jesus also healed Peter’s Mother-In-Law, as depicted in Matthew 8: 14-15, and in the gospels of Mark and Luke.
14 When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. 15 He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait o ..read more
Pentecostal Life Church Blog
5y ago
Do you find yourself looking for a Spirit filled, gospel lead church? Do you find yourself drawn to the Pentecostal or Evangelical denominations, but don’t know how to choose which Church to attend and where? Here at Pentecostal Life Church of San Antonio area, we want you to make the most informed of decisions. We also encourage you to follow where the Lord is leading. In order to clarify some of these doctrinal differences, we offer this blog post to help cover a few basics. This article is not all inclusive as that would not be practical due to time and space.
Core Christianity ..read more
Pentecostal Life Church Blog
5y ago
Why are guest preachers, speakers, and teachers still needed in Apostolic Holy Spirit Filled United Pentecostal Churches San Antonio TX? The pastor helps lead each individual Church. It is their role to guide the Church in spiritual matters, to instruct the church body in the scriptures found in the Bible, and to help grow the church in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is crucial to the health of any Church body to have a pastor who is consistent, teaches from sound foundational understanding of the Bible, and who has a healthy personal relationship with Jesus. God has chosen each pastor ..read more
Pentecostal Life Church Blog
5y ago
Let’s talk why extra Holy Spirit Filled Church services help a Church or person to go to the next level in their walk with God or get out of a rut. A lot can happen in seven days. In seven days, God created the Heavens, the Earth, and all that walks upon it. In seven days, Jericho came tumbling down. In seven days, Jesus entered triumphantly, was crucified, and rose from the grave victoriously. However, not everything that can happen in seven days is always something to celebrate. In seven days you can get laid off. In seven days a loved one may become ill or pass. In seven days, there are ma ..read more
Pentecostal Life Church
5y ago
Gospel, taken from the term gospel, means the Good News. This term is most typically applied to the first four books of the New Testament; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Gospel details the accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. It is the revelation of Old Testament prophecy, the culmination of the journey that Abraham lead his people on, and part of the foundation of Christianity.
The Gospel plays many roles in this respect and is the foundation of Christian teaching and learning. There is power in the name of Jesus Christ, and there is also great power in the teachings of His l ..read more
Pentecostal Life Church Blog
5y ago
It is no secret that Jesus Christ desires a relationship with each and every individual to walk this Earth. We are His children, He wants to love and be loved by us. Unfortunately, Satan also desires our hearts, and will attempt to win us over with the temporary shine of sin. Jesus Christ gave His life so that we could be saved from bondage if we choose to believe, obey, and follow Him. Choosing to accept the love of Jesus Christ and obey His word with your life is the most important decision to be made in your life. If you choose to serve Him, you receive not only His love, but an eternal li ..read more
Pentecostal Life Church Blog
5y ago
Do you need a Spirit Filled pastor in your life? With resources abundant in the age of technology, it may feel like the need for a Holy Spirit Filled pastor is dwindling. There are online resources, videos, discussion pages, and social media communities galore to be found on the internet. The pastor’s role as a teacher and shepherd may seem less important and more time consuming when the Bible can be studied either through the Book itself or online. However, the role of the pastor is much more than just someone to be listened to on Sunday mornings or mid week service and Bible study.
The Past ..read more
Pentecostal Life Church Blog
5y ago
Colossians 2: 19
19 They have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.
I would like to say from the start, “Don’t send your family to a Bible believing Spirit Filled Church only”. The head of any household is the guiding factor for that household’s daily and lifelong outcomes. If the head directs the body, but doesn’t follow suit with its directions, then the direction loses its meaning. A parent can’t say to their spouse and family, don’t steal, and then turn around and r ..read more