Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church Blog
The mission of the Central Texas Conference (CTC) is to energize and equip local churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This is a blog by Bishop Mike Lowry of the United Methodist Church.
Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church | Bishop's Blog
3y ago
Just recall when you last visited your family doctor. Quite typically she or he looked first at some basic numbers even before physically examining you. They checked to see what your pulse was, they ascertained your height and weight, they listened ..read more
Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church | Bishop's Blog
3y ago
In his annual – and final – Advent message to the Central Texas Conference, Bishop Lowry focuses on the witness and example of who New Testament scholars regard as “the first and the ideal disciple” – Mary, the mother of Jesus. In his message ..read more
Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church | Bishop's Blog
3y ago
There is an old story that sticks in my mind. As I remember it, a group of people step on to an elevator together in early December. A number of them are carrying packages that look to be Christmas gifts. As they politely visit with each other, one ..read more
Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church Blog
3y ago
18 Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 19 Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and ..read more
Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church | Bishop's Blog
3y ago
On Thursday evening Nov. 4, I drove to Rockwall, Texas, and joined with a widely ecumenical small group to listen to a presentation by Ed Stetzer. For those of you who do not know of Ed, he is what I would term a moderate Southern Baptist. As his ..read more
Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church Blog
3y ago
The call from a close friend came out of the blue last month. “Bishop, I’ve got some bad news. Billy has died.” Stunned, it took a moment to register. On this, the week we celebrate All Saints Day (Nov.1), I pause to recognize a theological giant ..read more
Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church Blog
3y ago
I was recently asked about special songs or hymns I would like sung at my Oct. 24 Retirement Celebration at Arborlawn UMC in Fort Worth. My first thought was that this was an especially gracious invitation on the part of the organizers of that ..read more
Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church | Bishop's Blog
3y ago
As I read through Dr. Timothy Tennent’s probing book For the Body (which I highly recommend), I came across the following sentence: “The church is God’s divine work built on the foundation of Christ.” (For the Body, p. 190) This high holy ..read more
Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church Blog
3y ago
As I sat down to write this blog post, news started coming in of an active shooter at Mansfield Timberview High School. The Conference staff is joining with people of goodwill to pray for all those involved and that a peace-filled resolution to what ..read more
Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church | Bishop's Blog
3y ago
At a crucial turning point in Jesus’ teaching ministry, our Lord and Master directs his followers, “a new commandment I give you, love one another just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” (John 13:34) Following the teachings of ..read more