Joides Resolution Blog
The JR is an amazing ship that explores beneath the seafloor, taking core samples and measurements to give scientists a glimpse into Earth's past.
Joides Resolution Blog
5M ago
Inspired by the classic documentary style of early National Geographic films and the films of Jacques Cousteau, “The Adventures of ..read more
Joides Resolution Blog
5M ago
Inspired by the classic documentary style of early National Geographic films and the films of Jacques Cousteau, “The Adventures of ..read more
Joides Resolution Blog
7M ago
The group What’s App chat is typically reserved for memes and misplaced laundry, but two days ago, the expedition’s project manager wrote a long message to explain why things had come to a sudden halt. “All lab computers are down,” began the message that arrived sometime around 7am. A quick response by Isuri Kapuge, a member of the sedimentology team, explained that the issue was worldwide.
Working in the Arctic Circle at times feels like being on another planet. This feeling is only amplified by the constant daylight and often late arrival of news. Yesterday morning, however, a global softwar ..read more
Joides Resolution Blog
7M ago
Inspired by the classic documentary style of early National Geographic films and the films of Jacques Cousteau, “The Adventures of the JOIDES Resolution” aims to showcase the adventure of being at sea and provide a fun memory for everyone who has ever spent time aboard the JOIDES Resolution. Click below to see the latest installments.
Episode #3
Episode #4 ..read more
Joides Resolution Blog
7M ago
The health and happiness of everyone onboard sits firmly in the hands of the kitchen staff. This is a responsibility that is taken seriously, and holidays offer a chance to extend that responsibility further and show off with some flare of culinary skill. This holiday was no different; only it also stood as the halfway point of the expedition so far. Fourth of July in the Arctic and cheeseburgers and apple pie were on the menu. The buns were baked fresh, and the patties were a mix of prime cut and spices, better than any barbecue I’ve attended back on land.
It may have been the surrounding ..read more
Joides Resolution Blog
7M ago
Inspired by the classic documentary style of early National Geographic films and the films of Jacques Cousteau, “The Adventures of the JOIDES Resolution” aims to showcase the adventure of being at sea and provide a fun memory for everyone who has ever spent time aboard the JOIDES Resolution.
Episode #1
Episode #2 ..read more
Joides Resolution Blog
8M ago
The JOIDES Resolution departed Amsterdam via the IJmuiden sea lock (Credit: Tiffany Liao & IODP JRSO).
On the morning of June 7th, the JOIDES Resolution threw off its mooring lines and set sail towards the North Sea. With the port of Amsterdam roughly 30km inland, Expedition 403 would begin with panoramic views of the Dutch countryside as it made its way towards the sea. Giant modern windmills towered over the ship as two tugboats led the way to Lock IJmuiden, which is used to control water height in the canals that lead into the densely populated city center. With Amsterdam sitting so far ..read more
Joides Resolution Blog
11M ago
You never really think too much about time unless you are late, planning an event, or even setting your alarm clock. It generally is understood that it exists and we, as a society, keep track of it through clocks, watches, conversations, and agendas.
When you get accepted to sail on the JOIDES Resolution, you understand that you are going to work 12 hours under the time zone the ship is chosen to follow. However, time starts to become more and more relative the longer you are on the ship.
The first moment where you notice that the way you interact with time is different to the way you interact ..read more
Joides Resolution Blog
1y ago
“Turns out soda cans and core liners have the same diameter” That was the start of a very interesting, but useful DIY experiment out here on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Watch the movie to see the process of testing the soda can meter and/or read below for a quick summary.
Clay Furman is the Schlumberger Logging Engineer in charge of helping the science crew with downhole logging. When the borehole is finished being drilled for core collection, scientists will want to take measurements of the actual cored geological formations in the borehole. They can correlate that data to the data collected in the ..read more
Joides Resolution Blog
1y ago
Thin sections are hair thin slices of hard rock used to understand the grain size, types of minerals, types of stress applied to the rock and more. It is a microscopic tool as petrologists investigate the hard rock cores pulled from the seafloor. The petrologists use a specialized microscope with two different lights sources, a rotating slide base, and high magnification lenses to see these small characteristics.
The different light sources are known as transmitted uncrossed polarized or transmitted crossed polarized. The uncrossed polarization shoots a light through a polarizer (type of filte ..read more