Fly Fish Food Blog
A blog focused on all things fly tying, from materials, methods, techniques, tutorials and reviews to just cool patterns. Fly Tying Tutorials, Fly Fishing and Fly Tying related information, gear reviews and all other fly tying and fishing topics
Fly Fish Food Blog
4y ago
Dive DEEEP for the Donks
There are many ways to fish chironomids, but in our opinion, there isn't any better way to fish them than on a midge tip fly line with a long leader system. Similar to Euro nymphing, it's critical to adjust your "team" of flies based on the amount of weight you have on each fly. This chironomid is tied with a slotted bead because the slotted bead has less metal removed than a normal countersunk bead, therefore helping the fly sink without having to add too big of a bead. Other than the bead, Check out the video to see a trick in applying the ..read more