2025: A Year for Creativity and Sustainability
Blue Ocean Blog
by Breanna Butland
1M ago
The new year has arrived, and with it comes fresh goals and aspirations! This year, I’m committing to being more intentional about the waste I ..read more
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Give the Gift of Sustainability: Upcycled Denim Whale Plushie
Blue Ocean Blog
by Breanna Butland
1M ago
The holidays are just around the corner, and I’ve been searching for the perfect eco-friendly gift—something thoughtful, unique, and made without purchasing anything new. What ..read more
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Remember the good happening every day
Blue Ocean Blog
by Jen Kennedy
3M ago
Writing this on Election Day, it is an anxious time. To help combat that, we’re sharing some moments of positivity—photos of our incredible volunteers and ..read more
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Information on Recent Local Whale Sightings
Blue Ocean Blog
by Jen Kennedy
7M ago
July 23, 2024 – Portsmouth made international news today when a whale breached onto a small fishing boat off the New Hampshire coast.  Thankfully, the ..read more
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More than 162,000 Pieces of Litter Removed in 2023
Blue Ocean Blog
by Jen Kennedy
11M ago
In 2023, we conducted a total of 348 beach cleanups at 44 different cleanup sites with the help of 4,145 volunteers. Together, we collected 162,005 debris items weighing over 7,500 pounds!  Click here to view our 2023 beach cleanup totals Thank you to everyone who helped with our cleanups in 2023, and our lead funders, New Hampshire Coastal Program and Kennebunk Savings Bank ..read more
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Looking Back at 2023
Blue Ocean Blog
by Jen Kennedy
1y ago
In early 2024, we’ll be going through all our data, tabulating results from beach cleanups, microplastics sampling, and whale surveys. Even without seeing all the totals yet, we know it was one of our busiest years ever. I wanted to start with a huge THANK YOU to our volunteers, interns, board members, donors, and followers. They enabled us to reach more people than ever and take concrete steps to protect marine life. Here are some of our 2023 accomplishments: In 2023, we continued our long-term whale research. Using a unique software program called Mysticetus, we collected data on 155 trips ..read more
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Donate Now to Help Whales
Blue Ocean Blog
by Jen Kennedy
1y ago
Click here to donate now Hurry! Make your tax-deductible gift before midnight on December 31! Your gift will support: Impactful whale research and protection efforts Experiential education for thousands of students The removal of thousands of pieces of litter from local beaches Life-changing experiences for interns and volunteers. Donate Now ..read more
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December 2 – Beach Cleanup and Holiday Shop at Hampton Beach!
Blue Ocean Blog
by Jen Kennedy
1y ago
Join us for our monthly beach cleanup at Hampton Beach! These cleanups will be on the first Saturday of every month at Hampton Beach from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, except for January, when we will hold the cleanup on New Year’s Day, January 1. Registration is required – click here to register. These cleanups are fun for all ages, and we hope you can join us! Saturday, December 2, join us at our Blue Ocean Discovery Center (180 Ocean Blvd) for a pop-up holiday shop featuring eco-friendly gifts such as whale adoptions and Blue Ocean Society apparel! Public Beach Cleanup Details We will meet at the ..read more
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Blue Ocean Blog
by Jen Kennedy
1y ago
Help protect marine life by donating on Giving Tuesday, November 28, 2023! Our friends from Gells are kicking things off by matching donations from new donors up to $250! We also have an additional $2,100 match in donations from generous Blue Ocean Society board members. Give on November 28 and make a huge impact when your donation is doubled! Your tax-deductible gift will support: Impactful whale research and protection efforts Experiential education for thousands of students The removal of thousands of pieces of litter from local beaches Life-changing experiences for interns and volunteers ..read more
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Digital Whale Adoptions 10% Off Fri & Sat
Blue Ocean Blog
by Jen Kennedy
1y ago
As an environmental organization, we advocate for buying less, buying local, and giving experiences instead of things.  But if you buy gifts, you might as well buy sustainably! Our whale adoptions are a gift that gives all year long! Digital Whale Adoptions 10% Off November 24-25! Adopt a local whale and learn about conservation. One of the unique aspects of our whale adoptions is that we e-mail you every time we see your whale! Our digital whale adoptions are 10% off during Black Friday and Small Business Saturday to encourage more sustainable shopping. No discount code needed, just visi ..read more
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