Young Calvinists Blog
Young Calvinists is a committee formed under the oversight of the Young People’s Federation Board that seeks to connect young people from different Protestant Reformed congregations and to foster spiritual growth and fellowship with one another. Our main goal in all of our activities is to further unite Protestant Reformed young people, to foster friendship and Christian fellowship.
Young Calvinists Blog
2w ago
“O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.”- Psalm 8:1 On October 10, 2024, I was able to go and watch the Northern Lights with a few of my friends. Seeing these filled me with wonder and awe of God’s glory and ..read more
Young Calvinists Blog
1M ago
Repost from May 7, 2022 Many young people and young adults struggle with the conversation of dating and relationships. Thoughts cross the young person’s mind when they compare their present circumstances to those all around them. For many, they have a great desire to be married and raise covenant children out of that marriage, but ..read more
Young Calvinists Blog
1M ago
There are many connections that the Bible makes between creation and the Christian’s life. One of the repeated connections is between great trials or difficulties and powerful storms. Isaiah says that God is a refuge from the storm and compares the assault “terrible ones” to “a storm against the wall” (25:4). One of the most ..read more
Young Calvinists Blog
4M ago
Today, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the truth of the Trinity and what heresies try to undermine this beautiful truth. May this understanding of who our God is cause us to praise and glorify him all the more. First of all, God is a triune God. When we say that ..read more
Young Calvinists Blog
5M ago
The RFPA is hosting a speech on September 26 on the importance of reading. The keynote speaker will be Mr. Joel Minderhoud. We encourage you to attend ..read more
Young Calvinists Blog
5M ago
Throughout Scripture, God’s people learn about the beautiful truth of God creating man and woman and how they ought to live in this world. Today, society tries to take away from this biblical ordinance that God had created – that what God saw was “very good” (Genesis 1:31). Many question the gender to which God ..read more
Young Calvinists Blog
7M ago
“Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.” Proverbs 4:13 In the hustle and bustle of the school day, let’s explore the practical wisdom embedded in Proverbs 4:13: “Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.” Imagine each school ..read more
Young Calvinists Blog
8M ago
“My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.” Psalm 5:3 In the hush of dawn, as the world awakens to the gentle touch of morning light cast upon many faces, let us heed the wisdom of our text. As ..read more
Young Calvinists Blog
9M ago
Today, we live in a confused world. Some would say there are over 100 gender identities. I can’t even start to think of how you could even make up more than 3 or 4 if you really tried. The world walks exactly contrary to the order which God has created. As Christians this can be ..read more
Young Calvinists Blog
9M ago
Grief can be a fickle thing sometimes. It comes and goes as it pleases, never hesitating to show up and linger no matter where you are. It knows no bounds and it’s the hardest thing to conquer. In fact, it might always be there, simmering under the surface, waiting for one small reminder that it ..read more