Whole Life Challenge Blog
The Game That Changes Your Whole Life. To create lives of unbound possibility where health and fitness are limitless resources and the right of every human to design and share.
Whole Life Challenge Blog
5M ago
Recently, I came across this short article, Your Body Is Not Your Masterpiece.
“Stop spending all day obsessing, cursing, perfecting your body like it’s all you’ve got to offer the world,” Glennon Doyle Melton wrote in the piece. “Your body is not your offering. It’s just a really amazing instrument, which you can use to create your offering each day.…
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Whole Life Challenge Blog
1y ago
Reading Time: 7 minutes
To be successful, ditch your goals.
Say what?
Yes, you heard that right. Ditch your goals.
We’ve been taught to set goals anytime we want to achieve anything. They should be SMART: specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time sensitive. But the motivational gurus who’ve taught us this didn’t necessarily take into account the psychology involved in personal growth and achievement.…
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Whole Life Challenge Blog
1y ago
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Commitment is hard, harangued by the twin devils of temptation and convenience, hamstrung by lack of preparation, blown back by our general aversion to difficult work.
Undoubtedly, you’ve decided to change something today. You’ve decided to accomplish something.
‘Tis the season, after all.
Regardless of the nature of your goal, you would do well to commit with more than mind.…
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Whole Life Challenge Blog
1y ago
Reading Time: 7 minutes
Each new year offers a fresh start, new beginnings, and a worldwide surge to becoming the person you always wished to be. No matter your resolution for this new year, there is one solidifying factor that resonates throughout all our goals: discipline.
I want to lose 25lbs. I want to eat better. I want to stop swearing.…
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Whole Life Challenge Blog
1y ago
Reading Time: 7 minutes
Remember when we were kids? You know, when you and your friends were out playing and you always ended up at so-and-so’s house, or in your best friend’s back yard, or maybe a simple place out in the trees behind where you lived.
These places we gravitated toward not only hold some of our fondest memories, but when you look closer, they served as sanctuaries or feel-good spots that made us happier about being alive.…
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Whole Life Challenge Blog
1y ago
Reading Time: 5 minutes
In 2000, I ventured onto a then-new website called “Netflix.” I can still remember how exciting it was to see the familiar red DVD mailer when I opened my mailbox.
Then in 2007, Netflix launched a streaming service. As an early adopter, I distinctly remember how crummy the the streaming service was at first. I don’t think I was able to finish a movie for the first year.…
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Whole Life Challenge Blog
1y ago
Reading Time: 2 minutes
The Off-Season WLC Skill Practices are mini-challenges intended to help you fine-tune different aspects of your health and wellness. Offered between Challenges, these weekly practices address fitness, nutrition, stress reduction, productivity, and personal connection — because health is about far more than food and the gym (and we could all use a little practice)
This Week, Take Time Each Day to Connect with a Friend
Simple Instructions:
Each day this week, reach out to a friend.
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Whole Life Challenge Blog
1y ago
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Before I got rolling on the good-for-you food train, if you had told me I’d regularly drink turmeric and like it, I’d have sworn you off as a quackish spice-hugger. No way that can taste good or have enough health benefit to be worth choking down with any regularity, right? To my mind, turmeric was just another super/titanic/power-packed [insert other superlative for incredible health punch] food on someone’s clever list that perhaps I should be eating, if I loved my taste buds less.…
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Whole Life Challenge Blog
1y ago
Reading Time: 2 minutes
The Off-Season WLC Skill Practices are mini-challenges intended to help you fine-tune different aspects of your health and wellness. Offered between Challenges, these weekly practices address fitness, nutrition, stress reduction, productivity, and personal connection — because health is about far more than food and the gym (and we could all use a little practice)
End Procrastination with Small Steps Each Day This Week
Simple Instructions:
Do one thing each day this week that you’ve been “meaning to do” for a long time.
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Whole Life Challenge Blog
1y ago
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Until recently, it was relatively easy to dismiss the positive benefits of play for adults. Play, after all, was something that we “outgrew” as we got older, right? But researchers from a number of different scientific disciplines — from neuroscience to psychology — now say that play can be just as important for adults as it is for children.…
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