Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog
My mission is to give everyone a helping hand, their own.
Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog
11M ago
“We reap what we sow”
“And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.” Bible Book of Joel, Chapter 3:3-4
As a participant in and observer of humanity’s insanity for over ¾ Century, I’m here to share my point of view of what has happened, is happening, and will happen through social, political, personal, and metaphysical lenses and constructs. View on the largest screen possible. The subtlety is in my artwork. Take what works. Leav more
Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog
1y ago
I was on my way out of public service, nearly impossible to fire, and angrier and more defiant than ever. I pondered what progress I could actually achieve given my circumstances. What positive changes could happen before I was forced to abandon the quest part of my job? I decided to create artwork for the patient newspaper under the pseudonym, ‘M’. I believed it was my chance to reach any and all real thinkers.
It’s sobering to try to make any sense out of nonsense. I decided good sense would rule. I believed most people who took the time to read would get it. Too many had learned in the har more
Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog
1y ago
Expect the expected. Bad shit happened. Dolores was forced to resign. Too many personal problems got in the way of her being able to properly perform her duties. A spanking new supervisor synchronously arrived as Dolores departed. Aside from Do, Dorothy was farther from Dolores than Kansas is from OZ. Dorothy, a Jewish American Princess (JAP) of the mental illness world, looked a lot better than she was. In her mid-thirties, she was petite, pretty, and shapely. Her personality was hard, cold, and phony. She was instantly disliked by patients and staff but had no clue how anyone felt. Most of more
Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog
1y ago
I chose twelve high functioning patients for my vocational design classes. It took a few weeks to obtain permissions from the treatment teams. Zandor persuaded members by explaining and clarifying how my classes met clinical goals for each patient.
Patients were wary. Most said ‘yes’ because I offered an opportunity for a unique experience.
Initial classes were discussions and planning sessions for future classes. I needed my teams to feel inspired and look forward to their weekly time slots with me.
You’ve met Jesus, Gene, and Benny. Meet David, Jim, and Juan. This was my first session.
Davi more
Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog
1y ago
There were only two patients in the art room. One was warily tucked in a corner, the other was a pretty twenty something African-American woman quietly cutting colored paper with a child’s scissors. I gently mused out loud. “You look healthy and normal. Why are you here?”
“My psychiatrist tells me it’s because I feel no remorse for what I did.”
“What did you do?”
“I killed my roommate”. I chopped her up in the bathtub and flushed as much of her as I could down the toilet. The rest of her I put in black plastic garbage bags that I tossed in a dumpster.”
“Did you think you would get away with th more
Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog
1y ago
After six to eight working days, I’d met most of the patients. There were five men’s wards and one women’s ward. The wards traveled around the hospital escorted by SHTA’s. One, two, or three wards at a time would meet in the rehab department for recreational/religious services. Many patients found religion while incarcerated. Evangelists, fundamentalists, and self-styled ministers attended every service, along with agnostics, atheists, and heretics. I counted four Jewish patients in the mix. Jewish services were most ludicrous of all. Patients of every shape, size, color, and religious denomin more
Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog
1y ago
“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.”
Hermes was Greek god of wisdom, wealth, trade, luck, fertility, language, animal husbandry, thieves, travelers, sleep, and providing safe passage to death. Mercury was Hermes’ Roman version, messenger of gods and ruler of Gemini. He was Thoth in ancient Egypt, a lunar god and patron of science, literature, wisdom, and invention. Loki was the Norse god of mischief. In Tarot, Hermes is a Magician at a crossroads with crucial decisions to make and critical actions to take. Merlin, Gondolf, Harry Potter, an more
Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog
2y ago
Personal and Collective Psyche transforms as outer planets change signs and geometric relationships. Uranus was the only outer planet to pass through Pisces (1919–1928) in the 20th Century. Uranus’s eighty-four-year cycle was completed when he returned to Pisces from 2003–2011. Uranus (destroyer) in Pisces and Neptune (visionary) in Aquarius are masters of illusion and delusion. Pluto in Capricorn transforms religious, social, economic, and cultural paradigms. Uranus moved into Taurus in 2019. An unstable economy rattled collective psyche as it destabilized markets through fluctuating interes more
Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog
2y ago
Zodiacal sign changes and geometric relationships between outer planets catalyze massive personal and collective transformations of psyche. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transited Capricorn in the 20th Century. Paradigms of and for political institutions and social structures shifted. Uranus in Capricorn revolutionized worldwide relations, politics, religion, and business from 1989 to 1996. The Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall were ripped down. Germany was reunited on Libra 3, 1990. Sociopolitical demarcations between East and West vanished. The Soviet Union disintegrated into fifteen republic more
Mark Seltman's Real Palmistry Blog
2y ago
Collective psyche overrules personal psyche. Fate or Destiny? Nature or Nurture? Whatever your astrological symbolism says about you, a tsunami, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, flood, drought, pandemic, war, or banana peel can transform your psyche.
Twelve basic character types are featured in astrology. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto symbolize family, friends, and enemies and embodies a collective consciousness that includes beliefs, behaviors, and interpersonal relationships. Humanity’s patterns correspond to conditions and positions of inner an more