NFTU (Notes From the Underground) is a volunteer online news reporting service which, since 2004, has dealt with news and information about True (Traditional) Orthodox jurisdictions throughout the world as well as reporting on Ecumenism, the most prevalent and dangerous condemned heresy of the 20th century.True Orthodox and Ecumenical News
1M ago
A rather head-turning article from Orthodox Traditionalist Publications! Within the last few years in the Orthodox Church in the United ..read more
1M ago
(source) The Bishop’s council of the ROCA Diaspora District (chaired by Abp Andronik of Syracuse) decided today, with the agreement ..read more
2M ago
(source: orthodoxtraditionalist.com) The Synod of the ROCOR under Metropolitan Agafangel has glorified Fr Seraphim (Rose), a beloved hieromonk in America ..read more
5M ago
(Source) The “Church Speaks” YouTube Channel of the RosOC reports that Metropolitan Anthony (Orlov) has reposed in the Lord. He ..read more
7M ago
(NFTU) A new article on orthochristian.com is claiming unprecedented growth in Assembly-led Orthodoxy, citing a study pointing out that the ..read more
7M ago
(Romania) Funeral services were held for His Holiness, Metropolitan Demosten (Ionita), Primate of the True Orthodox Church of Romania (Slatioara ..read more
7M ago
(SOURCE) There has been a great deal of unrest since yesterday in the Monastery of Esphigmenou on the Holy Mountain ..read more
7M ago
(Source: nexta.tv) Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfayev) of the Moscow Patriarchate has been accused of sexually harassing his 18-year-old cell-attendant, Georgy Suzuki ..read more
8M ago
Introduction Contrary to popular (and ultimately misguided) belief, the history of the Orthodox Church over the past 2,000 years was ..read more
10M ago
(Strasbourg; Tokyo) The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has passed a resolution condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin as ..read more