Amul Baranwal Salesforce Blog
Salesforce Stuff
Amul Baranwal Salesforce Blog
2y ago
Salesforce to Salesforce Integration using Composite API :
Send Multiple Requests Using Composite
Executes a series of REST API requests in a single call. You can use the output of one request as the input to a subsequent request. The response bodies and HTTP statuses of the requests are returned in a single response body. The entire series of requests counts as a single call toward your API limits.
The requests in a composite call are called subrequests. All subrequests are executed in the context of the same user. In a subrequest’s body, you specify a reference ID that maps to ..read more
Amul Baranwal Salesforce Blog
4y ago
The purpose of this Blog is to create Advance Approval Email template:
Follow the following steps to Create Advance approval Email Template:
Create a Salesforce email request template.
From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Communication Templates, and then select Classic Email Templates.
Select New Template.
Select Visualforce as the email template type, and then click Next.
Enter your email template information. For this example, we’ll use “Request Template.”
Choose the folder where you want to store your email template.
Make sure that the folder is p ..read more
Amul Baranwal Salesforce Blog
5y ago
Unable to Display Theta in my CPQ Quote PDF and while Generate Quote PDF getting Bad ERROR Request.
Theta Symbol in Quote PDF
We have created a Text that carries our Engineer machine Information like degree, theta, etc.
so in the text field created on Product we have replaced the theta value in XSL-FO tag as below:
<Inline font-family="Arial"> Θ</Inline>
see below image of the field created with value Setup ..read more
Amul Baranwal Salesforce Blog
5y ago
Salesforce CPQ Data Migration using Salesforce to Salesforce Connection: Migrate Data from Production to Salesforce Development Environment Using Salesforce Connection. Destination Org Connection:
Source Org Connection:
External Sharing using Connection (From Source):
Data Received in Destination Org:
You can automate this Record sharing using : queue and Apex Sharing ..read more
Amul Baranwal Salesforce Blog
5y ago
lightning-datatable Vs table
Web Component: <div > <div > <lightning-avatar alternative-text="" fallback-icon-name="standard:individual" size="slds-avatar_large" src="" variant="square"></lightning-avatar> </div> <div > <div > <p>Customer with Invoice</p> </div> </div> <div ></div> </div> <lightning-layout> <lightning-layout-item size="4"> <lightning-input label="Input label" placeholder="Placeholder Text" type="text ..read more
Amul Baranwal Salesforce Blog
5y ago
New Contact Creation 3 Column Layout LWC
Web Component:
<lightning-card title="New Contact" icon-name="standard:contact" variant="base"> <div slot="actions"> <lightning-button icon-position="left" variant="brand" label="Back to Contact" icon-name="standard:return_order"></lightning-button> </div> <div slot="footer"> <lightning-button variant="inverse" label="Submit"></lightning-button> </div> <div > <div > <p>Please fill below form detail</p> ..read more
Amul Baranwal Salesforce Blog
5y ago
Two Column Layout New Contact Creation in LWC
This is the LWC code for 2 Column Template:
<lightning-card title="New Contact" icon-name="standard:contact" variant="base"> <div slot="actions"> <lightning-button icon-position="left" variant="brand" label="Back to Contact" icon-name="standard:return_order"></lightning-button> </div> <div slot="footer"> <lightning-button variant="inverse" label="Submit"></lightning-button> </div> <div > <div > <p>Please fill belo ..read more
Amul Baranwal Salesforce Blog
5y ago
New Contact Creation LWC: One Column Layout Here is the Sample LWC Code: <lightning-card title="New Contact" icon-name="standard:contact" variant="base"> <div slot="actions"> <lightning-button icon-position="left" variant="brand" label="Back to Contact" icon-name="standard:return_order"></lightning-button> </div> <div slot="footer"> <lightning-button variant="inverse" label="Submit"></lightning-button> </div> <div > <div > <p>Please fill below form detail</p&g ..read more
Amul Baranwal Salesforce Blog
5y ago
Below Sample Code will help of Understanding web component Vs Aura Component Tags.
New Customer Creation:
3 Column Layout: Web Component:
<lightning-card title="New Contact" icon-name="standard:contact" variant="base">
<div slot="actions">
<lightning-button variant="brand" label="Save"></lightning-button>
<div slot="footer"><a href="">View All</a></div>
<div >
<div >
<p>Please fill the firm Name and person Incharge Detail</p>
</div> ..read more
Amul Baranwal Salesforce Blog
5y ago
How to Customize Salesforce Survey
Below are steps to enable Salesforce Survey and to use in LWC. Below Sample code will tell you how to Initiate a Salesforce Survey from Case Record.
Step-1: Enable Salesforce Survey in Salesforce.
Setup-> quick find (Survey)->Survey Settings Enable
Step-2: Enable Community and activate community and give guest user profile access of following Object: Survey(READ), Survey Invitation (READ), Survey Response(READ,CREATE, EDIT)
click on Community ->Builder ->Administration-> Pages-> Goto Force.com-> Click on Public Access Settin ..read more