Youth Voices – Conversations about your passions
by Mamadou Saidou
8M ago
In my opinion the best model for integrating immigrants are foreigners welcomed in the different refusal centers, but the problem is that there are too many migrants, so this is why there is a housing crisis and most of the migrants come to New York city. Other states do not help immigrants who have no shelter. Immigrants are treated poorly because it takes 6 months to get a work permit.  Immigrants who do not have family here reside in the country’s community center. Integration is not easy at all, especially if you don’t have family or friends, it’s really terrible.  When I came to ..read more
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Migration & Integration
Youth Voices – Conversations about your passions
by Junyi Gao
8M ago
青年之声邮报 引言段落:修改你的第一段。 钩子:关于这个主题(迁移和融合)的大陈述:当人们迁移到一个新的地方时,…… 您认为新移民应该融入新社会吗? 您认为哪种社会模式最好? 为什么?:一种集成模型被称为……在该模型中,新来者……这是有益的,因为…… 正文段落:这与您的个人经历相比如何? 当您移民后,新社会对您的欢迎程度如何? 您的需求是如何得到满足的? 你融入当地人了吗? 如何? 尽可能详细。 结论段落:如果您在介绍中选择的模型,您的体验会有什么不同? 您的经历中的哪些部分您会保持不变? 您希望您的哪些经历有所不同? ..read more
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Youth Voices – Conversations about your passions
by Giselle Najera
8M ago
Cuando hablamos de emigración es que una persona se va de el país  donde nació y se crió por ir a otro y no a todos les pasa la misma experiencia ya que a unos le va bien y a otros pasan muchas necesidades que tienen complicaciones en su país.  Esto se compara con mi experiencia a que cuando yo llegue en este país yo llegué en donde vive mi padre actualmente que es un cuarto super pequeño en donde le rentan a mi papá y es incómodo vivir así porque vivimos con otras personas por lo que no tenemos nuestra privacidad y en ese cuarto pequeño vivimos mis padres, mi hermano y yo . La socie ..read more
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Migration & Integration
Youth Voices – Conversations about your passions
by Eylin
8M ago
Cuando las personas emigran a otro país no todos tenemos las mismas razones. Algunos emigran por violencia que hay en sus países. Otros por necesidad y otros por escasez de dinero. Muchas personas no entienden que es la inmigración  básicamente son personas que van a otros países en el que no nacieron, van ilegalmente  cuando una persona sale de su país a otro y deja su familia y costumbres, donde nacieron y para muchas es muy complicado adaptarse a esta nueva vida  personas nuevas y culturas distintas pero otras no, y se acostumbran muy rápido.   El mejor modelo donde ..read more
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Youth Voices – Conversations about your passions
by Karold
8M ago
In 1980, migration was estimated at 128 million people around the world, today this figure has doubled, with 280 million migrants around the world in 2020 alone. The current migration figures are alarming, even more so when the doubts about the resources used to shelter these people increase every day, this is when the question about the integration of these people into the community becomes more relevant. Of course, reaching a new culture is not easy for both those who migrate and for the locals, therefore here we question what path should be followed to build a united, safe and supportive co ..read more
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Youth Voices – Conversations about your passions
by Mia
8M ago
Migration is a big change for people who make the decision to leave their family, their home and the country where they grew up. A good integration of immigrants would be a better path to receive immigrants. For immigrants, integration is something very important because if there is not good integration, one feels that they should return to their country and that they are not accepted. Good integration also makes us better people and help each other. So in my opinion, “Society as a house that we build together” is the best option for immigrants because, in this parable,, the mayor receives the ..read more
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Life is like a bad dream
Youth Voices – Conversations about your passions
by Jaylyn
8M ago
Life is like an bad dream just like black of wall street Life is like an bad dream just like how it was bad they killed African American people on that day ..read more
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Migration involves a group of people who leave the...
Youth Voices – Conversations about your passions
by Sherlyn
8M ago
Migration involves a group of people who leave their country to go to another in search of new opportunities and a more comfortable life than the one they had. They are looking for a better economic situation for their family. For immigrants, integration is necessary because since they are new and know nothing about the country, they need help. They can get this help by integrating with the locals. Immigrants can acquire valuable information about the country.  Integration is the union of different parts of a piece to achieve a whole; basically, it is like joining forces, to achieve the s ..read more
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Black wall street poem
Youth Voices – Conversations about your passions
by Aveyona
8M ago
Black wall street Came with so much heat Made a big impact on us black queens Our kings fight for us We made it We hustled for the best Black wall street became history. These memorable homes were destroyed  These beautiful people were destroyed But black wall street made it And were here today ..read more
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My Letter To Black Business Owners ( Black Wall Street & Hustlers )
Youth Voices – Conversations about your passions
by Antonio
8M ago
Dear black business owners, You are doing all that you can and being the best you can possibly be and starting up your own businesses is just amazing work. You did not deserve to get your customers cut off  and your businesses did not deserve to get destroyed. There were over 190 businesses black owned businesses that were destroyed and left hundreds and thousands homeless, on top of the fact that there was a numerous amount of people that died during this. It’s truly sad for people to just do this to others and think that it is okay. It’s extremely wrong and just heartless of others. To ..read more
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