Sociological Dictionary | YouTube
This channel is designed primarily as a help for introductory students in sociology at the University level. Each video represents an important sociological term or concept, with a video definition
Sociological Dictionary | YouTube
3w ago
A quick video explaining what scientists mean by "hypothesis." And no, it's NOT an educated guess. Also a brief (but obvious) example of how we might use a hypothesis in a social science setting more
Sociological Dictionary | YouTube
1M ago
A shorter version of a longer video explaining what sociologists mean when we start talking about deviance more
Sociological Dictionary | YouTube
1M ago
A brief explanation and introduction to Emile Durkheim's concept of Anomie more
Sociological Dictionary | YouTube
1M ago
A lot of ideas and thinking within sociology are centered on what maintains the social order. However, we know people don't always follow along. This is deviance. To begin understanding why people break the rules, we need to have a working definition and understanding of what exactly deviance is more