Economic Sociology and Political Economy
The Economic Sociology and Political Economy community (ES/PE), founded and led by Dr. Oleg Komlik, is the largest global online scholarly society that brings together academics, students, practitioners, and activists interested in these fields of study and life. Our primary purpose is to disseminate the insights of socio-political research on economies and economics to the public and academics.
Economic Sociology and Political Economy
1w ago
I am devastated by the heartbreaking news of the tragic death of Michael Burawoy, a preeminent, inspiring, and brilliant sociologist, and above all, an extraordinary and gentle human being. What an unfathomable contrast lies between a fleeting, detached report in a local newspaper about a hit-and-run accident that claimed the life of an “Oakland resident ..read more
Economic Sociology and Political Economy
2w ago
by Tamar Barkay* Are the inverse trajectories of internal corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the decline of organized labor in the past decades linked? If so, how?These questions arise from three widely recognized observations. First, since the 1980s, most OECD countries have experienced a decline in unionization and union density rates (Visser, 2012). Second, following ..read more
Economic Sociology and Political Economy
3w ago
Erich Fromm’s insights in The Revolution of Hope, written almost 60 years ago, resonate today—probably surprisingly, or unfortunately not—with the same meaningfulness and a sound call for both actionable and intellectual optimism: “Hope is paradoxical. It is neither passive waiting nor is it unrealistic forcing of circumstances that cannot occur… Neither tired reformism nor pseudo-radical ..read more
Economic Sociology and Political Economy
1M ago
Dear ES/PE community members, find below and benefit from an abundant and excellent list of great academic opportunities: 32 (!) calls for papers for conferences (some are partly or even fully funded) and special issues, 11 postdoc positions, 3 PhD scholarships, 2 job openings, a summer school, a visiting grant in economic sociology, political economy ..read more
Economic Sociology and Political Economy
1M ago
Jeffrey Alexander, a prominent sociologist and social theorist: Inside the culture and structure of modernity, good and evil are tensely intertwined. We should not be naïve about the evils of modernity. Modernity’s contradictions cannot be resolved in some magisterial new synthesis. It is a dangerous delusion to think modernity can eliminate evil; new kinds of ..read more
Economic Sociology and Political Economy
1M ago
As this year draws to a close, it is an opportune time to highlight and praise some of the best books in Economic Sociology and Political Economy that have been named and recognized by several major associations in our field. These are extraordinary studies, in their empirical innovation and theoretical contribution. Above all, they are ..read more
Economic Sociology and Political Economy
2M ago
Dive into these very interesting and enlightening readings and recorded talks on various topics in Economic Sociology and Political Economy: — “Pick a different theory of liberalism, and you get a different view of its past”. The language of liberal politics is confused, argues Helena Rosenblatt in this essay adapted from her excellent book The ..read more
Economic Sociology and Political Economy
2M ago
by Donni Wang* ———–* Donni Wang holds a PhD in Classics from Stanford University. Her research on non-capitalist modes of economics in ancient Greece is featured in her book Before the Market: The Political Economy of Olympianism. Now an independent scholar and historian, she is dedicated to paradigm change through both academic and creative approaches. *****While ..read more
Economic Sociology and Political Economy
2M ago
Weber, Max. 2005. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Routledge (p. 24) *****While you enjoy and benefit from the ES/PE community’s contents and useful information, please consider making a donation to endorse our work. Your contribution will ensure the ES/PE community’s independence and sustain our mission. Donate safely via this PayPal link. Thank you ..read more
Economic Sociology and Political Economy
2M ago
by Noam Yuran* I noticed that when people see the title of my new book The Sexual Economy of Capitalism, they automatically assume that it is about the way capitalism shapes our most intimate spheres: how market relations permeate emotions, love life, sexuality and marriage. In fact, the book follows the opposite path. It is ..read more