EquiPepper is a popular blog which aims to use education to change public opinion on thoroughbreds and in turn, improve the welfare of the everyday horse.
1w ago
Soaking hay is common practice on many yards because it can be a cost effective way of improving your horses health. While new technology, such as steaming, is now available,… Soaking Hay ~ The Pros, Cons and Top Tips ..read more
2w ago
When it comes to protecting your horse’s legs and hooves, choosing the right type of boot is crucial. From cross country to box rest, there’s a boot designed to support… What Boots does my horse need? A Complete Guide ..read more
1M ago
Most of us will need to supplement our horse’s grazing with hay at points throughout the year. But what are the best ways to hay a herd of horses? And… Putting Hay in the Field ~ Top Tips ..read more
2M ago
Worming practice and routines have changed a lot over the last few years due to a worrying increase in wormer resistance. We are now encouraged to only worm our horses after a high test result and most of you will likely be giving your horses multiple tests throughout the year, including saliva samples for tapeworm. But this is the time of year where those rules differ slightly.
Encysted small redworm
This type of worm is one of the most dangerous worms to infect our horses and unfortunately, the usual poo sample and saliva tests don’t pick them up ..read more
2M ago
We often take for granted the number of different terms we throw around for horses of different ages and genders. But to anyone new coming into the equine world, it’s a bit of a minefield! Is a foal a colt or a filly? When does a filly become a mare? And what the hell is a rig?!? In this article we will answer all these burning questions.
Early Life
Foal: The First Stage
A foal is a young horse of either gender under the age of one year ..read more
3M ago
Things have been crazy busy in my personal life recently, I have purchased and moved into my first house! Unsurprisingly, this has taken up a lot of my “free” time recently and if I’m honest, I just haven’t had anything interesting to update you on for a while.
But now I am moved in and settling back into a normal routine, I am hoping to be back writing more regularly here at EquiPepper ..read more
4M ago
Owning a horse is the perfect mix of love, dedication, and madness. From the exhilarating freedom of galloping across fields to the sobering reality of vet bills, every equestrian knows this: owning a horse is not just a hobby, it’s a full-on lifestyle. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or still learning how to put on a headcollar, here are the Ten Commandments for all horse owners to live by. Consider this your survival guide, written in hay, mud, and the occasional emergency vet call ..read more
5M ago
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Over the past few years I have been slowly replacing Scottie’s rugs with Ponyo versions. If you read any of my reviews of Ponyo Rugs you will see that I love the quality and standard features of these rugs. The cute patterns are just an added bonus ..read more
5M ago
Dealing with a nappy horse can be a challenging and frustrating experience for any equestrian. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned rider or new to horse riding, napping can happen to anyone. The key is understanding how to manage and work through this behaviour. In this post, we’ll explore the best ways to tackle the problem.
Understanding the cause
Before you start trying to “fix” the behaviour, it is important to understand why your horse is napping ..read more
6M ago
It’s hard to believe that it was all the way back in April when Scottie went lame, once again. Due to him not being insured for these type of issues anymore and how quickly he improved before the vet came out, we decided not to investigate it and just manage it as though he had reinjured his loss of use injury.
I’m pleased to say that nearly 4 months on, he is looking great ..read more