Horse & Hound Blog
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Horse & Hound Blog
2d ago
Dear diary, A lot like my stressage sheets of old often used to say, I’m pretty sure all our report cards would read “could try harder” right now. If the mercurial weather is anything to go by then our level of sacrifices needs to rise and Spring needs to at least start thinking about bracing ..read more
Horse & Hound Blog
1w ago
Dear diary, So, after yet another weekend of Mother Nature’s flatulence, loud snoring all night, bad temper and general surliness, in the latter part of the week a strange thing was seen in the sky. Something not seen for some time – and no, I don’t mean mother in a size eight – something far ..read more
Horse & Hound Blog
2w ago
Dear diary, Ok, I think we need to talk about consequences and the definition of them because I’m starting to think you lot don’t understand the concept. I am a horse, but I have lived with mother for 19 years and thus, am a master on consequences. For example – the idea of a “fun ..read more
Horse & Hound Blog
3w ago
Dear diary, Well done whoever it was that went and soothed Elsa’s ruffled feathers – she does need to understand that the cold bothers everyone else, despite her warblings – but whoever was on point to deal with Mother Nature seems to have fallen a little shy of the mark. To put this into perspective ..read more
Horse & Hound Blog
1M ago
Dear diary, Firstly, Hoppy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely Kissmuss and that you made lots of New Year revolutions. I did think about spinning around and saying I’d be nicer to the Ginger one, but mid-turn I saw his orange glow and admitted I was kidding myself, so stopped. I have ..read more
Horse & Hound Blog
1M ago
Dear diary, This will be my final diary… of 2024 anyways, before you all do a mother and panic more than a Victoria’s Secret model near an open flame… It’s kissmuss next week and then it will be New Year’s and then poof! Just like that 2024 is gone faster than a Polo mint near ..read more
Horse & Hound Blog
2M ago
Dear Diary It’s fair to say as we head into the festive period, it’s been a week of ups and downs – mostly in terms of mother’s blood pressure and the likelihood of her killing me before New Year. At the weekend Storm Blowy-Flowy hit and the batons were firmly pulled down – well they ..read more
Horse & Hound Blog
2M ago
Dear diary, Ok, fess up? Who has pi$$ed her off again? And no, I don’t mean mother – I am all too aware that someone breathing in her vicinity at the moment is pi$$ing her off due to her inability to lift, bend, twist, drive or generally do anything that in her view would make ..read more
Horse & Hound Blog
2M ago
Hovis with Laura Colett, one of her horses and Hamish. Dear diary, Lord knows if this is going to even read as English; mother is a drugged up fruit loop at the moment and making about as much sense as a TOWIE cast member at a spelling bee. For those who don’t know, she had major surgery on her back (seven-and-a-half hour’s worth) to put ..read more
Horse & Hound Blog
2M ago
Dear diary, You will all be pleased to know that I am still here, and that a visit from Herman The German Needle Man didn’t end in a choice of euthanasia on humane grounds – yes, that’s right, we decided to let Mother have another winter as well, but with a watching brief… I did ..read more