Can Adults Get Dental Sealants?
Carlisle Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog
2w ago
You know you need to maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine to keep your mouth in good health. This includes brushing, flossing, and rinsing with a mouthwash. However, there is another step that can be taken to protect your smile from future harm. When you hear about a dental sealant, a thin coating of composite resin painted on the chewing surface of the teeth to protect them, it is usually related to children’s dentistry. But can adults get dental sealants? They can indeed and keep reading to learn from how they can help you more
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Save Money by Visiting the Dentist!
Carlisle Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog
2w ago
Even if you do an excellent job at keeping up with your oral hygiene routine, regular dental visits are still a necessary step to achieve optimal oral health. However, many people put their routine on hold for a variety of different reasons. For some, it may be an effort to save some cash. The truth is that by seeing your dentist every six months, you can end up saving a lot of money in the long run. Here are some of the reasons why more
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Top 4 Reasons Why You Might Have a Bump On Your Gums
Carlisle Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog
2w ago
While you were brushing your teeth before bed, you notice the presence of an unusual bump on your gums. Does this sound familiar? If so, you might feel unsettled by this newfound condition, especially if you’ve never seen anything like it before. Although this situation isn’t something to panic about, there are cases where this symptom can be an early warning sign of . Keep reading to learn about four common reasons you may have a bump on your gums and when it’s best to contact your dentist more
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Do You Have a Constant Bad Taste in Your Mouth?
Carlisle Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog
2w ago
Your tongue allows you to experience the wonderful world of taste. While sweet and savory tastes are savored, bitter and sour ones are not as enjoyable. Although unpleasant tastes may linger a bit after eating certain foods, what if they don’t go away, even after brushing or rinsing with mouthwash? Or what if a bad taste in your mouth appears suddenly? These could be signs of a . Read on to learn some possible causes of the bad taste in your mouth and what you can do to solve it more
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Why You Might Need a Bone Graft Before Getting Dental Implants
Carlisle Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog
2w ago
Boasting an impressive success rate of over 95%, have completely changed the game when it comes to tooth replacement. These awesome implants are capable of restoring lost teeth in terms of look, feel, functionality due to their unique surgical placement. However, some patients might require preliminary work such as a dental bone graft before they’re a suitable candidate for implants. Here’s more about why this procedure is sometimes necessary and how it paves the way for lasting dental implant success more
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Can Dental Implants Rust? Protecting Your Replacement Teeth
Carlisle Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog
2w ago
Seeing your metal tools corrode can make you hesitant to consider getting dental implants to replace your missing teeth. Will the metal in your implants rust over time? Learn the answer and how to make your implants last as long as possible here more
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Are Dental Implants Worth the Cost?
Carlisle Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog
2w ago
Whether you’ve recently lost a tooth or have lived with a gap in your smile for years, a is the most reliable method of treating missing teeth. However, dental implants are attributed to a large price tag. Although you may pay more initially than other treatments, a dental implant will save money down the road. Here’s why this exciting treatment is worth every penny more
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Ancient Answers: Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?
Carlisle Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog
2w ago
If you have an upcoming , it’s natural to feel somewhat anxious. Sometimes, though, it’s necessary to have these molars removed because they can do more harm than good. They typically arrive in the back of your mouth when you’re between 17 and 25 years old and are considered unnecessary in our contemporary culture. The past, however, was a different story. Keep reading to learn more about why we have wisdom teeth and why your dentist may need to remove them more
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Fixing Stained Smiles: The Causes & Solutions for Yellow Teeth
Carlisle Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog
2w ago
If you plan to be out and about this summer, you’ll likely want to spruce up your looks. The coming season will have vacations, parties, and other events where you can dazzle friends! Even so, what if you’re struggling to deal with a ? It may seem like your smile’s dark tint won’t go away. Well, your local Carlisle dentist can help you address the matter. Read on to learn the common causes and solutions for yellow teeth more
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Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus: A New Way to Fight Cavities
Carlisle Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog
2w ago
Cavities are one of the most common health conditions, afflicting more than 90% of people at some point in their lives. Good habits like brushing, flossing, and routine dental cleanings can all reduce the risk of dental decay, but there might be even more you can do. Ask your dentist if they offer Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus! It is a new and exciting way to . This blog post explains what you should know about it more
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