FrJody.com | Musings of an Anglican/Episcopal Priest
This web page is a place where I share my thoughts on all sorts of issues and topics (on my blog) including history, theology, Christianity, traditional conservatism, as well as Southern and Appalachian culture.
FrJody.com | Musings of an Anglican/Episcopal Priest
1y ago
Just a note to say there was a catastrophic failure with my site and I lost my content, which I’m trying to restore from various sources. It’s going to take me a while.
The post Update appeared first on FrJody.com ..read more
FrJody.com | Musings of an Anglican/Episcopal Priest
1y ago
The post In The Myth of Disenchantment: Magic, Modernity, and the Birth of the Human Sciences, I argue that as broad cultural history goes, this narrative is wrong. Our era is far from mythless, belief in spirits continues to be widespread, vitalized nature has been a persistent philosophical counter-current, and even attempts to suppress magic have failed more often than they have succeeded. Hence, I contend that the whole notion of “modernity” as rupture that undergirds a host of disciplines is itself a myth. appeared first on FrJody.com ..read more
FrJody.com | Musings of an Anglican/Episcopal Priest
1y ago
Testing content before uploading historic posts
The post Test appeared first on FrJody.com ..read more
FrJody.com | Musings of an Anglican/Episcopal Priest
1y ago
Years ago I recall an article by the interim Dean at The School of Theology at Sewanee, where I did my MDiv, Dr. Allan M. Parrent, where he argued that the default moral position of many within the Episcopal Church (and elsewhere in the old mainline) had become a sort of default unreflective pacifism. He […]
The post Thoughts on War appeared first on FrJody.com ..read more
FrJody.com | Musings of an Anglican/Episcopal Priest
1y ago
Testing content before uploading historic posts
The post Test appeared first on FrJody.com ..read more
FrJody.com | Musings of an Anglican/Episcopal Priest
3y ago
Years ago I recall an article by the interim Dean at The School of Theology at Sewanee, where I did my MDiv, Dr. Allan M. Parrent, where he argued that the default moral position of many within the Episcopal Church (and elsewhere in the old mainline) had become a sort of default unreflective pacifism. He contrasted this with the thoughtful position of Christian non-violence as upheld by the traditional peace churches. Largely, it could be seen that these knee jerk positions were developed in a reactionary way beginning in the 1960s over against the perception of a rah-rah patriotism in more co ..read more
FrJody.com | Musings of an Anglican/Episcopal Priest
4y ago
FrJody.com | Musings of an Anglican/Episcopal Priest
4y ago
FrJody.com | Musings of an Anglican/Episcopal Priest
4y ago
Below is a video of my favorite setting of The Reproaches, by John Sanders. May it put you in the right frame of mind in your devotions on this Good Friday ..read more
FrJody.com | Musings of an Anglican/Episcopal Priest
4y ago