Group by Group
Joy (Occupational Therapist), Cara (Speech Therapist), and Joi (Special Education Teacher) all work at a center based school serving students who have significant intellectual disabilities. Our school also has a pre-k program that serves students both with and without developmental delays.
Group by Group
4y ago
Ger ready to learn all about Hawaii this week! Here’s a link to the book:
We’ve been wanting to do a unit to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month for the past 2 years and different things have prevented us from being able to do that. We focused on Hawaii for this unit. The book talks about different foods grown in Hawaii, how many islands there actually are, and also some of the different things you can visit while there. Check it out!
Tropical flower leis added to our rainbow umbrella made us feel like we were in Hawaii. To ad ..read more
Group by Group
4y ago
We had so much fun with our theme for the week! Here’s the link to the book:
We had planned on using this theme last year but COVID changed our plans, so some of these pictures were taken last year and some this year! Each page features a student performing something at Sharky’s talent show. There was a piano player, a rock band, and even a magician! Check out the book and see all of the awesome talent!
Everybody gets to have their chance to be a star at Sharky’s talent show! Star shaped cookie cutters made colorful impressions in kinetic sand.
Scie ..read more
Group by Group
4y ago
Although we’re not yet sure if the Olympics will be happening this year, we made sure to celebrate them anyway. Here’s a link to the book;
Our book talked about the location of the 2021 Olympics as well as some of the events that might take place, such as beach volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics, and track and field. Look carefully at the front and back pictures because you might notice a couple of our students.
Rainbow rice in the colors of the Olympic flag filled these boxes. The students looked for letter /T/.
Science access point: recognize objects as t ..read more
Group by Group
4y ago
We’re getting you ready for some wacky roadside attractions that you can visit over the summer! Here’s a link to the book:
We have lots of different and unique places around the U.S. that you can visit, such as the Largest Ball of Paint, the Paper House (made entirely of rolled up newspaper), and Foamhenge (not to be confused with Stonehenge). Take a look to see a few of our students checking out some sites too!
In Virginia you can visit Foamhenge which is a replica of Stonehenge made out of styrofoam!!! Instead of stone or styrofoam ..read more
Group by Group
4y ago
We had such a great time creating this week’s book! Here’s a link to the book:
We asked our staff to send us pictures from their own proms and they didn’t disappoint! The book features several staff members rockin it out at their proms. It was so fun to see how the styles have changed over the years!
There are always lots of decorations hanging from the ceiling at Prom and we think our umbrella gives a pretty good representation of that! We had fun lights, sparkly beads, and even two colorful mini slinkys
Science access point: recognize and respond to different t ..read more
Group by Group
4y ago
We are learning about North Dakota this week! Here is a link to our book:
National North Dakota Day is April 19th. We learned a few things about North Dakota in our book! Did you know it was the leading producer of honey and sunflowers in the U.S.? Find out some other cool facts by reading the book. Of course, we have a couple of our students on the front and back, taking in some of the North Dakota scenery.
We put letters /N/ and /D/ in colorful rice. We picked rice that reminded us of flowers we might see in North Dakota’s Peace Garden
Scie ..read more
Group by Group
4y ago
We talked about some of the animals that you can see if you go to an aquarium.
Here’s a link to the book:
We saw pictures of fish, dolphins, crabs, and seahorses. We even had one of our students in the whale exhibit and another student in the shark exhibit! Check out the book to see
We made a fun aquarium umbrella which the students really loved!
Science access point: recognize objects related to science by name, such as animal and plant.
There were a variety of cookie cutters shaped like animals you might see at an aquarium.
Science access p ..read more
Group by Group
4y ago
Ms. Cara got to go visit family in Jordan over spring break—-how cool is that! So this week, we are learning about the country of Jordan.
Here is a link to the book:
This cool brown sand reminded us of many of the buildings in the capital city of Amman. We put in a couple of play figure “tourists” to wander around and make designs or practice writing letters in the sand.
Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling makes an object move.
Jordan has many ancient places to explore. The students used Floam to sculpt their own buildings ..read more
Group by Group
4y ago
April 9th is National Unicorn Day, so we decided to celebrate a little bit early!
Here’s a link to the book:
We have some cute pictures of a couple of our students celebrating National Unicorn Day.
We made a great big rainbow umbrella!
The students LOVED it and it really caught their attention.
Science access point: recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli.
Our colorful rainbow beans were very eye catching!
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