Joyful June: Good Work Happening in the Diocese
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
by Karen Mackey
1y ago
Bishop Duckworth shares all the good work happening in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana in the six months since her ordination and consecration as bishop. Join us every Friday in June as we bring you more joyful news more
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Join Inclusive Louisiana for Pride Month
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
by Karen Mackey
1y ago
Inclusive Louisiana would like to extend an invitation to the following events in the month of June as we celebrate PRIDE. Please share this information with your congregations!  Peace,The Rev. John PitzerInclusive Louisiana Open Table PRIDE Eucharist Thursday, June 8th at 6:30 p.m.St. Anna’s Episcopal Church1313 Esplanade Ave.New Orleans, LA. 70116 Bishop Shanon Rogers Duckworth will be the more
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2023 Gaudet Community Grant Recipients Announced
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
by Karen Mackey
1y ago
The Gaudet Committee announces the awarding of 24 community grants for the 2023 program year. The Gaudet Community Grant provides funding for not-for-profit agencies that create, manage, and expand educational opportunities for African-American children within the Diocese of Louisiana. The total amount awarded this year is $126,940.00. The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana is proud to more
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Safe Church Minister Trainings in July 2023
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
by Karen Mackey
1y ago
Calling all Safe Church Ministers! This one-hour annual update session is open to those administering the Safe Church program at each church/school site. Safe Church Ministers are required to attend, in order to receive the latest updates to the program as well as a review of EDOLA policies and procedures. Training sessions will take place more
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Wardens & Treasurers Brown Bag Zoom
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
by Karen Mackey
1y ago
Wardens & Treasurers Brown Bag ZoomMay 18, 25, & June 1, 12 – 12:45 p.m.ZOOM Workshop, FREE Join us on Zoom for this essential three-part workshop, designed especially for Wardens, Treasurers, and Vestries. Explore methods for ensuring your long-term financial stability, avoiding future financial concerns, stopping fraud before it starts, creating meaningful agendas/discussions, managing conflict, and more
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Holy Week & Easter Services in the Diocese of Louisiana
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
by Karen Mackey
2y ago
Find Services for: Maundy Thursday | Good Friday | Holy Saturday | Easter Day Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Day more
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Lenten Programs 2023
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
by Karen Mackey
2y ago
Please join us for one of these Christian education programs, services, and retreats happening throughout the Diocese of Louisiana this Lenten Season. Contact Karen Mackey for additions or corrections to the list. A blessed Lent to you! Book Studies / Film Series Walter Brueggemann: A Way Other Than Our Own: Devotions for LentWednesday, March more
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Let all these be signs of the ministry which is mine and yours in this place
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
by Karen Mackey
2y ago
During the installation of a rector, a variety of gifts are given to the priest. These include such things as oil, bread, wine, a stole, a prayer book, and water for baptism.  Representatives from the parish present these as symbols of the ministry of that community of faith more
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Bishop Duckworth’s 2022 Christmas Message
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
by Karen Mackey
2y ago
As we move more deeply into this holy season, I am so aware that the rhythm of life and ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana beats strongly; and I am grateful for each unique expression of Christ’s love in our parishes, schools and communities of faith. My 2023 calendar is filled with opportunities to more
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Letter to the Diocese from Bishop-elect Shannon Rogers Duckworth
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
by Karen Mackey
2y ago
November 9, 2022 Dear brothers and sisters, Grace and peace to you in our Lord Jesus Christ. At the 185th Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, I shared the story of the design of my Episcopal ring. As the granddaughter of Greek immigrants, this history has played a significant role in my faith more
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