Zero Waste Nerd
A blog filled with tips and tricks on how to begin a Zero Waste lifestyle and reduce your overall waste.
Zero Waste Nerd
3y ago
In partnership with Lunette Cup, I’ve put together a VERY in-depth post for you on all of the intricacies of using a menstrual cup as well as what I thought about using a cup from Lunette for the first time.
And right now, they are having a BOGO sale until February 17th!
I’d love to say using a menstrual cup came naturally but it did not. There were so many things about using one I’d wish I’d know before I started. Of course, I started using one over 5 years ago back when it wasn’t as popular and the resources weren’t as plentiful. Though I really wish I’d known about them years before.
It rea ..read more
Zero Waste Nerd
3y ago
After being fed dozens upon dozens of sustainable living tips, it may still seem overwhelming on even where to begin. You can’t tackle everything at once or you’ll find yourself giving up if you try. That’s where a trash audit can be very helpful at organizing the chaos.
If you have followed along with my 30 Days to Zero Waste challenge, this is the next step I recommend to put all of those tips into action.
Before you really tackle your household waste, you should start auditing what you are throwing away. What kind of trash is filling your bin?
Keeping track of what you throw away will help ..read more
Zero Waste Nerd
3y ago
The Best Sustainable Planners for the New Year | There is no better feeling than starting a brand new planner at the beginning of the year. It’s like this superhuman feeling that you are in complete control of the universe – until about 6 days in and that universe reminds you that is NOT the case.
You know how bad it was when one of your new year’s resolutions was quote-unquote “Wear sweats less often.” Hashtag WINNING.
I LOVE planners, I’m talking the analog-style, pen-to-paper planners. I’m old school and still prefer to write most things down by hand. Technology is great and all but there’s ..read more
Zero Waste Nerd
3y ago
All You Need to Know About Having a Zero Waste Christmas | As we get older, we tend to relate more to the Grinch. We lose that holiday magic and get consumed by the obligations that the holidays come with.
I again am already feeling the pressure to spend a BUNCH of money to get that perfect gift for everyone in my life, deck my halls to resemble the Instagram worthy masterpieces that are circulating the web-o-sphere, and prepare mountains of food and sweets.
It’s all just too much, especially in 2020. Y’all, my tank is on E. I’m really hoping the principles of zero waste can save Christmas.
Ze ..read more
Zero Waste Nerd
3y ago
Zero Waste Baked Clay Ornaments | I love the look of homemade ornaments. The rustic, and unique traits really make the holidays feel homey. From popcorn garlands to gingerbread men, they all embody what I fell the holidays are. There’s also a sentimental piece of involving the family or little ones in making them every year. Making memories should happen at home, together.
Related: How to Make a Popcorn Garland
I’m been really into white and natural looking decor for some time now and really wanted to find something that was first, minimalist, and second, white. I pretty much stick t ..read more
Zero Waste Nerd
3y ago
Learning How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar from Scraps is a fun way to use up every bit of the apple. You can easily turn apple cores and peels into more than just compost. I learned how to make apple cider vinegar years ago when I challenged myself to waste as little food as possible.
This fall is as about as confusing as this whole year. Thanks 2020! We’ve literally had all four seasons on repeat the last couple of months. From snow the week before Halloween to shorts today on November 8th, there’s a reason we never put our seasonal clothing away ever in the Midwest.
I’m not complaining as it ..read more
Zero Waste Nerd
3y ago
The Ultimate List of Zero Waste Swaps | We cannot buy our way our of our environmental crisis so when discussing zero waste swaps, it can land a bit controversial since it seems as if Zero Waste “experts” are trying to con you into buying something. And I’d agree with you.
It’s getting more and more difficult to sift through legitimate, genuine advice and an Ad.
But then again, to a degree, lowering your overall trash output is about swapping one thing, a disposable item, for something that will last a long time. Where the line is drawn, is when you pass over the need vs want interna ..read more
Zero Waste Nerd
3y ago
Sustainable Fall Activities | I love seasonal bucket lists. I love having fun activities pre-planned to look forward so that I can create special memories with the ones I care about. Fall is full of so much potential in the fun, unique activity department.
I love finding sustainable fall activities to enjoy. I have to be mindful of everything I do despite if it’s tradition or not. Nothing is worth doing if it is severely environmentally damaging.
Thing is, you don’t have to give up much to be a little more sustainable. In fact, I think the sustainable element to life makes everything more enjo ..read more
Zero Waste Nerd
3y ago
5 Spice Mixes You Can Make At Home | There are so many times I realize just how convenience has shaped our inability to be self-sufficient. And it’s not even about not being able to do something, it’s choosing not to do it because it seems like more work or we don’t think to do it because we’ve been brainwashed into buying something.
I cringe every time I walk by the spice mix aisle because first of all, hello, there’s a whole section dedicated to it, they all contain ingredients most of us already have in our overflowing spice cabinets and they are nearly all packaged in some sort of pla ..read more
Zero Waste Nerd
3y ago
3 Ways to Fight Fast Fashion | Modern life has brought with it many conveniences, computers, smartphones, the internet, and even online shopping; but at what expense?
Humanity has come a long way since the end of the last Ice Age when it is believed that humans first
began wearing clothing. Humans covered themselves with natural products ranging from animal skins,
fur, grass, leaves, and other vegetation to protect themselves from the heat, cold, and rain.
Today we can replace our wardrobe while never leaving the comfort of our couch or bed and have it
delivered to our home, in a matter o ..read more