Healing Wounds trailer
StPaulsLondon » St Paul’s Cathedral
by St Paul's Cathedral
2w ago
A trailer for 'Healing Wounds: an invitation to Lenten contemplation' with Erik Varden, to take place on Tuesday 25th February 2025. The question of suffering has always been something with which people have wrestled. In his 2025 Lent book, 'Healing Wounds', Erik Varden attempts to offer new reflections on this most challenging of themes. Reflecting on the cross, on Jesus’ own suffering as well as on our own sufferings, he draws out the ways in which Jesus’ suffering on the cross can turn into sources of healing for ourselves and for others. In this online conversation, Erik Varden and Paula G ..read more
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Healing Wounds: an invitation to Lenten contemplation - Feb 2025
StPaulsLondon » St Paul’s Cathedral
by St Paul's Cathedral
3w ago
The question of suffering has always been something with which people have wrestled. In his 2025 Lent book, Healing Wounds, Erik Varden attempts to offer new reflections on this most challenging of themes. Reflecting on the cross, on Jesus’ own suffering as well as on our own sufferings, he draws out the ways in which Jesus’ suffering on the cross can turn into sources of healing for ourselves and for others. In this online conversation, Erik Varden and Paula Gooder draw on these and other themes. Erik Varden is Bishop of Trondheim in Norway and a Cistercian monk ..read more
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Martin Luther King Jr: History Maker - Dec 2024
StPaulsLondon » St Paul’s Cathedral
by St Paul's Cathedral
2M ago
Martin Luther King Jr’s memory is revered, but in his time he was a radical, controversial figure, sharply critical of militarism, inequality and poverty, and racism in the US and elsewhere. Marking 60 years since Dr King spoke at St Paul’s Cathedral, Richard Reddie will explore his profound and subtle theology, philosophy and politics, and the challenge he leaves us to work for justice in our own time. Richard Reddie is the Director of Justice and Inclusion at Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. He is the author of 'Martin Luther King Jr: History Maker' and 'Abolition!: The Struggle to ..read more
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Garth Hewitt recalls Dr Martin Luther King speaking at St Paul's Cathedral in 1964.
StPaulsLondon » St Paul’s Cathedral
by St Paul's Cathedral
2M ago
On 6th December 1964, Dr Martin Luther King Jr preached to a packed St Paul’s Cathedral. Singer/songwriter Garth Hewitt recalls the sermon and reflects upon its impact upon his own life and career ..read more
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Become a Chorister at St Paul's Cathedral
StPaulsLondon » St Paul’s Cathedral
by St Paul's Cathedral
2M ago
Becoming a Chorister at St Paul’s Cathedral is a transformative experience, offering children the chance to join one of the world’s most renowned choirs. As well as singing for daily services at the Cathedral, Choristers participate in special services, concerts, broadcasts, and tours. This fully funded opportunity includes a first-class musical education and an exceptional academic curriculum at the Cathedral School. We are currently recruiting the next generation of boy and girl Choristers, who should be in school years 2 to 5. For more information and to apply, visit: www.stpauls.co.uk/join ..read more
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Eternal Rest Grant Them: Faith, music and grief - Nov 2024
StPaulsLondon » St Paul’s Cathedral
by St Paul's Cathedral
2M ago
Grief and grieving are universals, and on All Souls’ Day we hold before God those we hold dear in death as in life. Requiem settings for the Eucharist, named after the Latin text which begins 'Eternal rest grant them O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them', are some of the most powerful music ever written. Using music by Victoria, Mozart, Charpentier, Verdi, Fauré and Duruflé, Andrew Carwood explores how music and religion come together to deal with fear and loss, and provide comfort and hope. For copyright reasons, the tracks played at the event have been edited out of this film. To ..read more
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Lower than the Angels: A History of Sex and Christianity - Nov 2024
StPaulsLondon » St Paul’s Cathedral
by St Paul's Cathedral
3M ago
Few matters produce more public interest or division than sex and religion. Revolutions in attitudes in the last generations have brought liberation to some, fear and fury to others. Diarmaid MacCulloch, Emeritus Professor of the History of the Church at the University of Oxford, seeks to calm fears and encourage understanding by telling a 3,000-year-long tale of Christians encountering sex, gender and family, from the Bible to the present day. Diarmaid MacCulloch is Professor of the History of the Church at Oxford University and one of the UK’s leading historians. His books include the magist ..read more
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Careers in the Crafts
StPaulsLondon » St Paul’s Cathedral
by St Paul's Cathedral
3M ago
The St Paul’s Cathedral stonemasons describe how they discovered the route into their profession and reflect on the enjoyment and challenges of working in the Cathedral ..read more
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Money, race and climate: challenging the extractive economy - Sept 2024
StPaulsLondon » St Paul’s Cathedral
by St Paul's Cathedral
4M ago
Themed around ‘Money, race and climate’, this film is of an event organised by the Just Money Movement and hosted by St Paul's Cathedral during Good Money Week 2024. The Just Money Movement is an education and campaigning organisation that aims to equip Christians and churches to connect faith and finance ..read more
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Gen Z and the City - Oct 2024
StPaulsLondon » St Paul’s Cathedral
by St Paul's Cathedral
4M ago
A panel discussion to launch a new partnership between St Paul’s Cathedral and the educational charity Cumberland Lodge, which examines the values driving young people (18 to 25 years old) and their work practices, to further understand how this impacts on the corporate, social and creative sectors of the City of London ..read more
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