The Zero Journey
A place where I can share my journey to zero-waste: the frustrations, challenges, and successes that come along for the ride. A place to network with others who have started and are maintaining the same journey, to share resources, and to get that much needed support when you can’t find it in your closest circles! To Zero-Waste! And all the pretty things that come along with it.
The Zero Journey
1w ago
Recently I have been on a bit of a documentary kick – all things environmental. I was scrolling through Netflix options, trying to decide on my next watch, but it was already 21:00 when I saw “Seaspiracy” come up and I decided it was way too late to go down that dark hole before bed more
The Zero Journey
2w ago
One time, back in 2018, which seems like a lifetime ago, I attended my first Pechakucha event; and if you don’t know what a Pechakucha is, it is a presentation-style that is worth looking up (actually, I ended up using the Pechakucha style with my middle-school students, and the result was promising). I was hella more
The Zero Journey
3M ago
They’re not done yet! Not only does the schedule keep changing (at first we were supposed to only get two treatments; now it’s three), but the government continues to close their eyes and ears. Despite protests, petitions, and local groups forming to speak up against the use of aerial pesticide-spraying in residential areas around B.C., the spraying continues.
My main issues surrounding this controversy are not only that the specific spray is banned in several countries, and the fact that there is a general ban of aerial-spraying in Europe, but that the B.C. government continues to violate our more
The Zero Journey
4M ago
To the decision makers of our region,
I have concerns and questions regarding the scheduled aerial pesticide spraying of residential areas around B.C. to eradicate the invasive spongy moth.
My first concern is the risks it poses to residents and other organisms. While it is important that we manage invasive species, it is equally or more important to regard the overall health of our communities. The publications of these sprays suggest that residents stay indoors until the spraying is complete and up to an hour afterward. Many students and staff walk to school during these morning hours, as we more
The Zero Journey
6M ago
Honestly, I have been absolutely UNmotivated to start anything in the garden. Part of that is because of the “false spring” we had when it started snowing and being really cold again. Part of that is my job keeps me very occupied, and I’ve never been much good at balance. And I often get overwhelmed when taking on too much, so this year I have LEFT it. And guess what – I have not started ANY seeds indoors – WHAT.
Okay, so today it was a really beautiful day and I noticed that my garlic was already popping up (managed to plant it on time last October – go me). I have some stellar gardening acco more
The Zero Journey
6M ago
Since last year I have been thinking about our water access in our dear City. Every year is hotter and drier, and our water restrictions last longer. Our water reservoir last year was at an all-time low, and with people using too much water, the reservoir was not able to replenish itself. My concern is for constant new developments proposed around and within our City, but our water access remains unchanged. My concern is that we will continue to live in Stage 3 water restrictions, and perhaps one day we won’t even be allowed to water our gardens to feed our families (while car-washes remain op more
The Zero Journey
2y ago
The reason I enjoy social media so much is because of the community I have found there, both in gardening and all other things sustainability. I have found people who are willing to share ideas, help each other, and also be vulnerable in sharing their challenges.
One of my favourite accounts to follow is Urban Gardening Canada on IG. Not only is this a Canadian gardener with a plethora of gardening experience and knowledge, but she’s also a funny, down-to-earth, incredibly kind human who also happens to love cats as much as I do. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting her this year, as we now more
The Zero Journey
2y ago
This is an ongoing fight in the garden – are you going to get to your kale first, or are the aphids? Something has dug up a plant. There is mysterious skat on the garden path. Why has your dog not alerted you sooner?
Wildlife battles can include everything from bears to fungus and beyond. A few days ago I had to pull ALL of my dill plants because they were so infested with a bug that it had curled and was drooping from the weight. A week before that, a buck got into my FENCED yard and ripped the tops of my strawberries. Last year I had a long battle with a mouse family in my compost bin. My pe more
The Zero Journey
2y ago
This spring has been particularly rainy and mild – and I’m ALL for it (because #gingerproblems). It certainly will help with our wildfire season as well.
However, it has sure thrown us, the gardeners, for a loop! Rushing to cover plants, continuing our exercise regime of moving transplants indoors and outdoors, waiting to plant the more sensitive crops, and observing slow growth in new plants.
I have really enjoyed not having to water new seeds as often because we have had consistent rain. But I have noticed a big difference in growth, and I’m not even finished with all of my planting!
Of cour more
The Zero Journey
2y ago
It is nearly impossible to keep your values and passions out of the other parts of your life. In fact, whatever work you do, you will be so much more energized if you include your passions and what you care about.
For example, in my teaching career I have been able to weave in my environmental and writing passions through projects, poetry units, field trips, and performances. In my non-profit work, I have been able to weave in my passion for teaching by involving local schools. And in my parenting, everything comes together at once, especially when we are exploring and adventuring outside. And more