The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden is a museum of plants, an educational institution, and a scientific research organization. The NYBG Tumblr is a collection of links from both inside and outside the Garden.
The New York Botanical Garden
6y ago
Snowy days are here at last. Whether they’ll stay, who can say, but we’re enjoying the change of scenery ..read more
The New York Botanical Garden
6y ago
“Do plants feel?” This is one of many questions that Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose posed. Bose, today’s featured Google Doodle (11/30/16), did extensive research into measurable physical responses that plants exhibit, even claiming that plants, like humans and other animals, have a pulse. Bose wrote in 1926, "The barriers which have separated kindred phenomena are now thrown down and plants and animals are found to be a multiple unity in a single ocean of being. Our sense of wonder is quickened, not lessened, when we realize our kinship with all that live.”While Bose’s research wa ..read more
The New York Botanical Garden
6y ago
Sundown at the Marjorie G. Rosen Seasonal Walk. Have a beautiful weekend, everyone. —MN ..read more
The New York Botanical Garden
6y ago
The Bronx River paints a fall scene better than just about anyone. —MN ..read more
The New York Botanical Garden
6y ago
On a dreary Friday, H. Isabel Adams’ poppy illustration from the Library’s 1910 copy of Wildflowers of the British Isles keeps us afloat. —MN ..read more
The New York Botanical Garden
6y ago
Moving our ozukuri (thousand bloom) chrysanthemum is no simple task, but it safely made the trek from our greenhouses to the Haupt Conservatory ahead of its big debut in just over a week. Our Kiku exhibition kicks off Saturday, October 8, and only runs through the 30th, so don’t sit idle next month ..read more
The New York Botanical Garden
6y ago
We’re just seven months away from the April 22, 2017 opening of CHIHULY at NYBG—the first major New York exhibition of the sculptor’s works in more than a decade. Learn more about the artist, his inspiring glass creations, and the Garden’s nights of light and color planned for this momentous occasion at nybg.org ..read more
The New York Botanical Garden
6y ago
This 1925 algae specimen from our Herbarium proves there’s beauty (and sometimes horses) to be found in all plants. –MN ..read more
The New York Botanical Garden
6y ago
While Rio’s Olympic games have come and gone, there’s always a race on in the Amazon. Ghillean T. Prance, former Vice President of Science at NYBG, spent a great deal of time in the Amazon documenting its vast world of plant life alongside the Tikuna people, seen here in a photo from his book That Glorious Forest: Exploring the Plants and Their Indigenous Uses in Amazonia ..read more