Possible concerns of entering retirement with high levels of debt
Reed Law Firm Blog
by aprilfaxonvertumarketing
1y ago
If you are approaching retirement, you may have spent years preparing and saving for this stage of your life, and you might not want to let anything disrupt your plans for your future. However, things might not always turn out as intended, and it might be challenging to reach this stage of life without accruing debts along the way.  Entering retirement with high levels of debt can be a daunting process, and you might have concerns about how such issues could impact your retirement. There are some types of debt concerns that may be prevalent among those in your position, and preparing to s ..read more
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Steps during the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process
Reed Law Firm Blog
by aprilfaxonvertumarketing
1y ago
Facing overwhelming debt can place strain and stress on virtually every area of your life. If you are struggling with balances that you can no longer manage on your own, you could feel discouraged, assuming that there is no way out for you. Thankfully, debt problems are not insurmountable when you seek the protection of a bankruptcy filing. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a popular option for South Carolina consumers who currently have a significant amount of unsecured debt.   Before you make a critical choice, such as filing for bankruptcy, you will benefit from learning as much as possible ..read more
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What are the benefits and potential drawbacks of bankruptcy?
Reed Law Firm Blog
by aprilfaxonvertumarketing
1y ago
If you owe a significant amount of debt, you know that this can impact multiple areas of your life. You will experience the stress and strain that comes from knowing you owe more money than you can pay, and you may not believe that you can ever catch up on your own. You may also be getting phone calls from creditors demanding payment, and there could be threats of wage garnishment, foreclosure and more. The burden of debt is heavy and overwhelming. Fortunately, there could be a way out for you. Through the process of bankruptcy, you may be able to secure what you need to regain your life and y ..read more
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What is going to happen to your property during bankruptcy?
Reed Law Firm Blog
by aprilfaxonvertumarketing
1y ago
For consumers overwhelmed by debt and past-due balances, it can seem like there may be no way out. Dealing with debt may be an insurmountable issue, which is why many people choose to seek the protection of bankruptcy. This option can provide an applicant with a way to deal with his or her debt in an organized and effective manner while also enjoying protection from collection efforts and contact from creditors. If you are struggling with debt, you may be considering bankruptcy as a way forward to a better financial future. However, there could be some misconceptions that could hold you back f ..read more
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What will happen to your house if you file for divorce?
Reed Law Firm Blog
by aprilfaxonvertumarketing
1y ago
Owing a significant amount of debt can be a burden on your life. You may find that your financial struggles carry over into other areas, and you could be facing the additional stress of debt collectors, notices from creditors and constant pressure to pay. You might feel like you cannot escape these issues, and while it feels as if there is no way out, bankruptcy could be a way forward for you. Bankruptcy is a legal process that allows a South Carolina applicant to address certain debts he or she has in an organized manner. While you understand that bankruptcy could be a beneficial and reasonab ..read more
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Addressing the timeline to finalize bankruptcy filings
Reed Law Firm Blog
by aprilfaxonvertumarketing
1y ago
There might be few things in life as stressful and harrowing as going through extended periods of monetary unrest. The trials of debt could affect your life in various ways, and while there might be a variety of steps to take to pursue much-needed financial relief, choosing a path can be a complex endeavor.  Bankruptcy is an example of a tool that could help provide much-needed relief from overwhelming debts, but you might have questions about what to expect from this process. One of these questions may pertain to how long it might take to finalize the bankruptcy process and begin rebuild ..read more
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Evaluating recent reports on increases to bankruptcy filings
Reed Law Firm Blog
by aprilfaxonvertumarketing
1y ago
Financial challenges can arise under a multitude of scenarios, and sometimes it might not be easy to keep debt at bay. Issues with debt can gradually build with time or seem to appear overnight, and the fallout thereof may have a lingering impact on your life and leave you with questions about your options for relief. While facing dire financial straits can be a stressful and daunting experience, it might be comforting to know that you are not alone in this regard. Recent financial challenges have left many individuals in South Carolina facing dire financial woes, and such hardships may be a c ..read more
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How much does bankruptcy cost? (And can I afford it?)
Reed Law Firm Blog
by jonathan.brandis@thomsonreuters.com
1y ago
Bankruptcy is a tool available to South Carolinians overwhelmed by debt. It can help you and your family get out from under the burden of mounting interest and principal and start fresh. However, bankruptcy itself is not free. Filing fees and credit counseling To start with, both Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy require you to pay a fee to file in court. The basic filing fee for Chapter 7, also known as liquidation bankruptcy, is $245. The basic fee for filing for Chapter 13, or reorganization bankruptcy, is $235. The court will charge other fees as you move through bankruptcy. A ..read more
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Creating a strategy to reduce or eliminate credit card debts
Reed Law Firm Blog
by aprilfaxonvertumarketing
1y ago
The pursuit of financial stability is a goal that many individuals in South Carolina may share, but things might not always go as intended. Sources of monetary unrest can come in numerous fashions, each of which may place significant strain on your finances and leave you in search of ways to overcome debt hurdles. Credit card debt is a prime example of a type of financial concern that may pose a threat to your future, and with high interest rates on many credit accounts, such issues may only continue to build with time. Creating a strategy to reduce credit card debt burdens may seem a daunting ..read more
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Addressing your options when facing extensive student loan debts
Reed Law Firm Blog
by aprilfaxonvertumarketing
1y ago
The dream of pursuing higher education is a goal that many individuals in South Carolina share, and obtaining financial aid may often be a necessary component of this equation. However, while a college education may help improve your career opportunities, getting your dream job might not happen overnight.  While you are still working toward furthering your career, your financial situation might not be as healthy as you would like, and the strain of monetary obligations could weigh heavily on you. Student loan debts can be a significant financial hurdle at times, and you might wonder what ..read more
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