Mensagem de Natal do Secretário-Geral 2024
Anglican Communion
by Anglican Communion
1M ago
Junte-se ao Reverendíssimo Anthony Poggo, Secretário-Geral da Comunhão Anglicana, enquanto ele compartilha suas reflexões de Natal para 2024. Nesta mensagem inspiradora, ele reflete sobre a esperança, a paz e a luz trazidas ao mundo pelo nascimento de Jesus Cristo, o Príncipe da Paz. Descubra histórias de fé, resiliência e reconciliação de toda a Comunhão Anglicana global e seja encorajado a continuar anunciando as Boas Novas de Cristo em sua própria comunidade more
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Mensaje de Navidad del Secretario General 2024
Anglican Communion
by Anglican Communion
1M ago
Únase al Reverendísimo Anthony Poggo, Secretario General de la Comunión Anglicana, mientras comparte sus reflexiones navideñas para 2024. En este inspirador mensaje, reflexiona sobre la esperanza, la paz y la luz que llegan al mundo a través del nacimiento de Jesucristo, el Príncipe de la Paz. Descubra historias de fe, resiliencia y reconciliación de toda la Comunión Anglicana global, y sea alentado a continuar anunciando las Buenas Nuevas de Cristo en su propia comunidad more
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Message de Noël 2024 du Secrétaire Général
Anglican Communion
by Anglican Communion
1M ago
Rejoignez le Révérend Anthony Poggo, Secrétaire Général de la Communion Anglicane, qui partage ses réflexions de Noël pour 2024. Dans ce message inspirant, il revient sur l’espoir, la paix et la lumière apportés au monde par la naissance de Jésus-Christ, le Prince de la Paix. Découvrez des récits de foi, de résilience et de réconciliation à travers la Communion Anglicane mondiale, et soyez encouragés à continuer d’annoncer la Bonne Nouvelle du Christ dans votre propre communaut more
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The Secretary General’s Christmas Message 2024
Anglican Communion
by Anglican Communion
1M ago
Join the Most Reverend Anthony Poggo, Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, as he shares his Christmas reflections for 2024. In this message, he reflects on the hope, peace, and light brought into the world through the birth of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Discover stories of faith, resilience, and reconciliation from across the global Anglican Communion, and be encouraged to continue announcing the Good News of Christ in your own community more
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Growing a Culture of Spiritual Vitality within Theological Education - CTEAC Webinar
Anglican Communion
by Anglican Communion
7M ago
This webinar recording features theological students from three provinces of the Anglican Communion: Kenya, Hong Kong, and Ireland. Discover more about CTEAC's learning resources: more
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Bishop Paul Korir reflects on the role science and faith played during the COVID-19 crisis
Anglican Communion
by Anglican Communion
7M ago more
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Archbishop Thabo Makgoba on how Science can Benefit Humanity
Anglican Communion
by Anglican Communion
7M ago more
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Bishop Cleophas Lunga on Faith, Science and the Fight Against Malaria
Anglican Communion
by Anglican Communion
8M ago more
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Bishop Pradeep Samantaroy on the Climate Crisis, Faith and Science
Anglican Communion
by Anglican Communion
8M ago more
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Dr Heather Payne on the Beauty of Science
Anglican Communion
by Anglican Communion
8M ago more
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