Amie Ravenson
Amie Ravenson lives in a suburb of Atlanta. She is the Author of the Altars series, and producer of Bewitching Your Day podcast.
Amie Ravenson
1y ago
Thank you so much for joining me during my month of blog posts. I had a lot of fun writing them, and I hope a couple people enjoyed reading them. It was a fun project for the month of November. And for the rest of the year, I’m going to chill. I’ve already started wrapping...
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The post Wrap Up and a December of Rest first appeared on Amie Ravenson more
Amie Ravenson
1y ago
Road opener magick is a concept that comes from conjure traditions, though it has analogs in several other traditions as well. In fact, roads themselves have often been seen as sacred, and there are several deities that are dedicated to roads and pathways. (Elen of the Ways, Hekate, Ganesh, etc.) Roads are not only our...
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The post Road Opener Magick first appeared on Amie Ravenson more
Amie Ravenson
1y ago
I know I’ve seen this concept explored in various blog posts, TikToks and YouTube videos, but I wanted to do it for myself, just to see what I could find. So a friend and I loaded up and set out to see what kind of wonderful witchy wares we could find at the Dollar Tree....
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The post Dollar Store Magick first appeared on Amie Ravenson more
Amie Ravenson
1y ago
Honey is sacred. It just is. Think about it… The sun shines down and the rains fall, the soil nurtures, and flowers result. So bees collect the pollen from the flowers, and create honey. Honey is just distilled sunlight. And you can see it in the color. A golden, viscous liquid that has an intense...
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The post Honey Jar Spellwork first appeared on Amie Ravenson more
Amie Ravenson
1y ago
I’ve been using these quite a lot since I brainstormed them a few moons ago. I used to just free-journal on the full moons, but I felt like I wanted something a little more attuned to the astrology of the sign that the moon was in. If you use them, let me know what you...
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The post Full Moon Journal Prompts first appeared on Amie Ravenson more
Amie Ravenson
1y ago
I have to take a moment to be honest right now. I’m lucky in this regard because I work from home. In fact, I’m writing this in between work tasks. Don’t tell my managers! But I’m sitting here at my desk, with a Pumpkin Bonfire candle going, surrounded by charm bags, stones and crystals, incense,...
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The post Witchifying Your Work first appeared on Amie Ravenson more
Amie Ravenson
1y ago
“Thank you” is one of the most powerful spells we can utter. It not only sets up a resonance of simple gratitude, but also the recognition that we are all intertwined, and we can only get by by receiving help. This can be help from other people, help from institutions, help from deity, help from...
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The post Gratitude and Your Spiritual Path first appeared on Amie Ravenson more
Amie Ravenson
1y ago
Deity work is not for everyone. A lot of people chafe at words like ‘worship’ and ‘devotion’, and for good reason. There’s a lot of baggage that comes along with those words for those who were brought up in religious households. But the truth is that deity work can add a richness and a depth...
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The post How to Work with a Deity first appeared on Amie Ravenson more
Amie Ravenson
1y ago
There comes a time in every witch’s practice where they realize that they’ve read all the ‘Witchcraft 101’ books they can stomach. After a while, they all start repeating each other, and though there are some books taking truly unique viewpoints on witchcraft, there still comes a time when you may start itching to branch...
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The post Topics to Study that will Enhance your Witchcraft first appeared on Amie Ravenson more
Amie Ravenson
1y ago
There are several different terms to use when working with this sort of magick. Abundance means that more than enough of whatever you need or want comes to you. This can be tricky, as I’ve worked spells asking for abundance and gotten an abundance of cats or weekend plans. Nice, but not exactly what I...
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The post Money Magick first appeared on Amie Ravenson more