Kama – The Third Purushartha
by detechter
2y ago
Kama is one of the four Purusharthas – or the pursuits of a human being as given in Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma. Literally it means the pursuit of enjoyment, pleasure and joy. It is the desire, wish and longing for the source of pleasure. Kama is predominantly seen as sensual pleasure but it is more ..read more
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Are you living a life of Dharma?
by detechter
3y ago
Dharma forms the bases of the Four Purusharthas in Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma. Dharma means the virtues, duties and conduct with which one lives one’s life. It is the truthful and rightful way to live. Dharma is the cosmic law which governs everything. It is the foundation for Artha (economic growth) and Kama (pleasure), without ..read more
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Artha – The pursuit of economic prosperity
by detechter
3y ago
Artha is a part of the 4 Purusharthas, or the human pursuits given in Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma. It literally means wealth, prosperity and financial security to live a life of ease in this world. It is having the means and material facilities to live comfortably. Artha is connected to the three other aspects and ..read more
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Dharma to Moksha – Are you living the Four Purusharthas?
by detechter
3y ago
Purushartha literally means the object of human pursuit, or the goals of human life. It can also mean the “soul’s purpose”. We see reference to this concept in the Vedas and the Epics Ramayana and Mahabharat. What are these four Purusharthas? They are Dharma (moral values, righteousness), Artha (economic prosperity), Kama (pleasure) and Moksha (liberation ..read more
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India – A land of metrics and measurement
by detechter
3y ago
There is rhythm in everything in life. Be it the seasons, the rise and fall of the sun and the tides in the ocean. The Vedas are also recited in a certain rhythm. Thus, there is no doubt about the prevalence of an advanced system of measurement and counting in India. This can be substantiated ..read more
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How India taught the world Counting
by detechter
3y ago
India has had a profound impact in teaching the world the basics of numerals and counting. The numeral system being used globally can be credited to India which has immensely benefited both mathematics and science. In the word’s of the famous scientist Albert Einstein – “We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us ..read more
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Raga and Dvesha – The mental chains which bind us
by detechter
3y ago
Samsara, or this phenomenal world, is constituted by Ragas and Dveshas, which literally mean attractions and aversions. They form a part of Pancha-Klesha (The five root causes of suffering). These originate in the mind and senses. Born out of Avidya or ignorance (lack of true knowledge), Ragas and Dveshas can be destroyed only by the ..read more
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The legend of the birth of Sage Patanjali
by detechter
3y ago
Sage Patanjali is considered the father of Yoga, who compiled the various scattered knowledge of Yoga into 196 aphorisms called the Yoga Sutras, which is considered the authoritative classical text on Yoga. The Yoga Sutras talk about the 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga which begins with Yama and goes all the way to Samadhi or ..read more
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Who was Sage Patanjali?
by detechter
3y ago
Sage Patanjali is considered the “Father of Yoga”, who compiled the authoritative classical text – The Yoga Sutras, which dates back to 200 BCE – 200 CE. He is arguably the greatest Yoga master of all time. Although references to Yoga appeared in various Hindu texts throughout millennia, Patanjali compiled these already existing teachings in ..read more
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Samskaras – The Mental Conditioning gathered over lifetimes
by detechter
3y ago
According to the Vedic philosophy, we come across the concept of Samskaras, which can literally be translated as impressions. These are the subtle mental impressions left on our citta (consciousness) in the form of thoughts, intentions and actions that an individual has ever experienced. It is said that one’s behavioural patterns are determined by the ..read more
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