Catholic Insight
Catholic Insight seeks to enlighten hearts and minds by proclaiming the splendour of truth and the sanctity of life. It endeavours to foster the culture of life by reporting truthfully, critically, contextually, and comparatively with a view to history and guided by a cultural vision inspired by Catholic doctrine and the classical liberal arts.
Catholic Insight
7h ago
JOHN PAUL II SLAVORUM APOSTOLI I. INTRODUCTION 1. THE APOSTLES OF THE SLAVS, Saints Cyril and Methodius, are remembered by the Church together with the great work of evangelization which they carried out. Indeed it can be said that their memory is particularly vivid and relevant to our day. Considering the grateful veneration enjoyed for[...]
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Catholic Insight
2d ago
On this February 13th we commemorate the mystic Dominican tertiary Saint Catherine Ricci (1522 – 1590), a contemporary of Saint Philip Neri (+1515 -1595), to whom she appeared by bilocation, one of her miracles for her canonization. Saint Philip was normally very reticent about such supernatural occurrences – one of his maxims was ‘secretum meum mihi’ – my[...]
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Catholic Insight
4d ago
Recently, the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and its Dicastery for Culture collaborated in constructing a document on the Church’s most recent stance on the nature and use of Artificial Intelligence. In my first reading through this document, I was encouraged by the philosophical principles it put forward for the distinction between[...]
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Catholic Insight
4d ago
This tenth of February is for us Maltese is the feast of the baptism of our nation, for today all Maltese around the world celebrate the feast when St Paul was shipwrecked on our shores. With how much interest I look forward to the second reading for the solemn Mass of today! In that reading,[...]
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Catholic Insight
5d ago
Sir Edward Bairstow (1874 – 1946) was an Anglican organist and composer, who wrote mainly for the church. Our schola is learning his polyphonic rendition of the ancient hymn, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, from the Liturgy of Saint James, with the text derived from Habakkuk, Zechariah and Isaiah, with a clear Eucharistic theme.[...]
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Catholic Insight
6d ago
As a first generation American born in the United States, I was introduced early in life to St. Lazarus by my family of Cuban heritage. St. Lazarus is exceedingly popular within the Cuban community. Cubans have typically shown a special devotion to St. Lazarus as he is considered to be the patron saint of the poor[...]
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Catholic Insight
1w ago
The recent Vatican document on the potential dangers and benefits of advances in ‘A.I.’ – artificial intelligence – warns that the powerful algorithms could to the destruction, of humans, either in part, or in whole. A mass self-extinction event, if you will: Since it is a small step from machines that can kill autonomously with[...]
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Catholic Insight
1w ago
Saint Andrew Corsini (1302 – 1374) was born in Florence on November 30th. Hence, he was fittingly named after the great Apostle. Alas, ‘Andrea’ did not live much like an apostle in youth, which was spent in dissolution, as do so many in those insouciant salad days. His mother’s words of concern for his soul[...]
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Catholic Insight
1w ago
The recent feast of the Presentation of Our Jesus Christ at the Temple, the child Who is truly the light of the world, is also celebrate the World Day of Consecrated Life. How much I love to see consecrated life as a gift! Here I am greatly reminded of that stupendous message written by Pope[...]
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Catholic Insight
1w ago
In 1725, on this feast of the Presentation/Candlemas/Purification, J.S. Bach first presented his cantata Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin – With Joy and Peace I Depart, from a hymn by Martin Luther, who, in turn based on the timeless words of Saint Simeon, as he holds the Saviour of the World, Lumen Gentium,[...]
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