Helping Teens Navigate Stress: Practical Tips for the Road Ahead
LifeTeen Blog
by Kelly Simpson
2y ago
It was a Thursday night, and I remember sitting on my bathroom floor weeping, thinking to myself, “I wonder how long it will take them to notice?” I was 16, newly licensed, playing high school basketball and club volleyball, attending agility training twice a week, trying to maintain my grades more
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Three Lessons from St. Gianna Molla
LifeTeen Blog
by Nick Bernard
2y ago
The extreme sacrifice she sealed with her life testifies that only those who have the courage to give of themselves totally to God and others are able to fulfill themselves." Gianna’s situation is perhaps pretty unusual; even so, she has important lessons to teach us. So here are three things to learn from St. Gianna Molla more
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The Four Necessities for Reaching Middle Schoolers
LifeTeen Blog
by Jill Bagshaw
2y ago
I worked in church ministry for a long time, positioning my involvement in proximity to middle school youth ministry. (I have the evidence documented in retreat and camp T-shirts.) I was just close enough to develop a genuine appreciation for the youth ministers and core members but not close enough to commit to a year-round official association with Edge more
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Serial Killers on TV? : Why Curiosity isn’t always Healthy
LifeTeen Blog
by Helena Heffernan
2y ago
The Thrill of the Fall As the leaves begin to change and the weather cools down, we embrace pumpkin spice season once again (!!) and the liturgical calendar carries us to the Solemnity of All Saints and the Memorial of All Souls. It is time to prepare for shorter days more
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October 15: The Feast of St. Teresa of Avila
LifeTeen Blog
by Mark Hart
2y ago
“Whoever has God lacks nothing: God alone is enough.” Born: March 28, 1515 Died: October 4, 1582 Feast Day: October 15 Patron of headache sufferers and Spanish Catholic writers Background If you heard a teen guy describing a girl as “witty and beautiful, intelligent and charming, funny and deep,” you more
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Small Group Time Doesn’t Need to Be Torture
LifeTeen Blog
by Helena Heffernan
2y ago
As a former youth minister, I remember how my Edge core team dreaded small group time. At a point, it became such an obvious frustration that I decided to investigate the cause of this hatred by leading the small groups myself. One Edge Night, I donned my “Small Group Leader more
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October 4th: The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
LifeTeen Blog
by Mark Hart
2y ago
Francis of Assisi had a deep love for God, people, animals, and the environment. Put simply, he saw God in everyone and everything. Above all, he cared for and loved the sick and poor in a way that few others ever have more
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10 Ways to Affirm Your Core Members
LifeTeen Blog
by Randy Raus
2y ago
Affirmation is one of the Life Teen Core Values. We need to affirm each other, especially those in our life which we couldn’t do ministry without- ie. Our core members more
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Dealing With Disobedience
LifeTeen Blog
by Kelly Simpson
2y ago
I always think about how Jesus would react to middle schoolers. Every time they misbehave, I imagine that Jesus would say to them, "You have no idea all that I have done and will continue to do for you." And so I aim to love them just as Christ does more
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Faith First: God at the Center
LifeTeen Blog
by Louie Latina
2y ago
This raises an important question: how does a teen like Kyle find a way to be committed to sports, academics, and his faith while so many other teens struggle? In Matthew 6:21 Jesus says, "Where your treasure is, there also your heart will be." If our Catholic faith and our relationship with God is something that is truly a treasure in our lives, we then place it at the center of our lives more
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